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02-19-1968 Planning Minutes
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Planning Commission
02-19-1968 Planning Minutes
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^ "V /v^;^*^-i^'- S:-- <br />f ;• <br />■ ;• .> <br />.rnm^smi ' <br />Aliaisa <br />- ^HOtfCE <br />■■ ■ ■■' ' ■■ ■ 'A" i,^'”^ = ■•.• ' ■ ■’ " ' ■■’i>i>^iU' •■•'^' •■. • v‘''W,:- f""-> -^'*V--- <br />;y;yy;ii <br />iStiite A RlQOLftR MEIitllB OP THE PLANHINQ COMMISSIOH,VIII AGE OP dfiblld. \JtLL <br />^ HEIJ) MOM>yA,FEBRCARr 19.1968 AT ?:30 P.M. <br />«.r <br />wap*• *• <br />'yy@y:' <br />:s:ysft5^ <br />•■- •'^' •-■•y --f;v:;.v.‘.Si <br />'»<^ A-;.- -;W'-V/v’y - • <br />j:y-\ <br />MBrPrMm: <br />it <br />I^iin OB v«rt <slde of U.S.12 ocfDoo trim <br />liirthoraB Omitb «nd n«xt Miimosota v/a^arn R.F, fbr tiKvid Rill <br />jraproaaatad Iqr Pksondln lltialty (Bill HLoostqciat) and MldiroBt <br />Planniiig (JIb Hnica). David RUl la pr^oamiAly loeatad oB tlia <br />north aida of B.5. aaai of Waysata next Boiterflald Plovars <br />if you wlflli to sea the kind of a aat.vp to asqiact* In Deeenbairy <br />;•= <br />' ' ■• ■ •■y • •■ <br />mm ; *y Wolf raquestad a pomit for an eleetronlaa plant in <br />thlo area. A Public Hearing was held and the roQUast was dantodo <br />Sec Case # 41« <br />m§ Boil^^ Pewit I Jaaec Dotdier (for fooonsldorgtion) <br />■ r-vyy*-y|mm. <br />m’rn vm <br />'■v,.^V-:;V- <br />calls for a Varlanea viddi nast first be approved by tho <br />Planning Comniseion according to our Qrdinanees. The area id <br />soned Comerdal both *.o the vest (Fabric Bonae) and to the <br />north. A thou^t is that e Variance oculd be asproved on the <br />basis of ^Planned ResldMitiel*^ (Toun Ilouae style} as a buffer <br />bgtvcaii iUlC and B>1 xonea. <br />te4:vj <br />j Bill Wear-# 36 J?cdkbarry Hill,Lot 7.33k.3 Daniel’s <br />3uorg' Lake, ^feights. Wear 's hone is on lot 8, Ifcst adjacent lots y4:.;|y4rir‘y;:'4^ <br />. of the sane alse hare boan granted building porrdte since 1966 <br />now built on. <br />»Ald^ PWHltt Charles Pealil. Lot 1, Blk,-’^, Cr^yctel Bay View. <br />"'liftoO cSicj^ Place. This lot lies between # 2 and 3 Crystal Soy <br />Vlev and lot 7 and Parce3 55t<>, Saga Hif l Rorvisad. Th- ^-raor <br />tvo lots are ovn«d by Mosjak ^dth his hone or f 3. w»e <br />latter is owned by Bruno Tower ^th his home tbarcoB. <br />smsM <br />4:SSfe|S* <br />ft’.; <br />i <br />wwm <br />s5?’ ; <br />- ;••■:•.?■ •.. .'. ' —• ^ ■ <br />. •■•■• '4 r <br />yft-ft■••■ •.■ ■ •-,^a:.ft.'. <br />'. ft": •-•■ <br />■ <br />DBFIftTSHLD aUSIHESJU '■ .'"ft -fti - ^ <br />.ft. <br />ftft.. <br />,'r <br />.'* --.v^ <br />m m <br />Drvi3lOB; 2111 property (Ikiri r BcschiBaa) lot 7,Hlk«10 InngCon Ptiric. <br />"xKie Is in a lUD aono.lOC foot frantaga»one-l alf aore adniRua. <br />Prollrainary requoat is for four lots in ths 2.3 acre rrop^ity. <br />Iota 1 and 2 front Togo Flacd C? fest wide,let 3 is 75 fedt. <br />Lot 4 does not. face a uutlic street aiad t^as the':>n iRtuft <br />be on a Begictsra:i Land Survey basis. In addition to the pre- <br />’jiiTdnary roquost two other posiibi.litloa Hare been suggested <br />ty 6-:\r Inspector and EnccJnocr. Thty are; <br />X) to dlvida into three lots,two frontirj an Togo Place <br />and tho tliird roar lot having a 50 foot access soad <br />m <br />■•••"■ A '•■'••" -"ii <br />»ii <br />*si«ifti <br />ft:’ft <br />III""with a oal>de>sacj ■ft .4.*/,,; ’:l» <br />mmmm. <br />ift. <br />':riv:?y ;,:.:v <br />2) to divide Into tvo lots down the niddle nortlweeath. <br />A eoinlttee of Hlehols and DongoAe were eppointed at o«r <br /># <br />•'. • .♦•. <br />'' '■■' ■ftl <br />... -I .«• <br />.i’ <br />'a <br />: ■■ N-.-v'r- <br />■ . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : <br />'.'B'-B
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