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5724 <br /> Agreement No. A18439 <br /> I-IENNEPIN COUNTY <br /> CONDITIONAL USE LICENSE AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made by and between the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN, Taxpayer <br /> Services Department, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, <br /> hereinafter referred to as the"County", and the City of Orono,hereinafter referred to as the <br /> "Entity". For purposes of this Agreement,the address of the County is A703 Government <br /> Center, Minneapolis,Minnesota 55487-0073 and the address of Entity is 2750 Kelley Parkway, <br /> Crystal Bay,Minnesota 55323. <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> WHEREAS,the County has developed electronic forms of certain data bases and an <br /> electronic proprietary geographical digitized data base hereinafter referred to as "EPDB"; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Entity desires to use the County's EPDB in the course of conducting the <br /> Entity's business; and <br /> WHEREAS,in acknowledgment of the Entity's above-stated purpose,the County is <br /> agreeable to provide to the Entity the EPDB, and <br /> WHEREAS,the parties agree that the execution of this Agreement is necessary in order <br /> to adequately protect said EPDB; and <br /> WHEREAS,the County exclusively owns the EDPB which is the subject of this <br /> Agreement and has the authority and legal right to grant Entity a license to have and use the <br /> EPDB as provided in this Agreement; and <br /> WHEREAS,the EPDB is trade secret or confidential information under the Minnesota <br /> Government Data Practices Act and is governed by Minnesota Statutes sections 375.86 and <br /> 13.03 as well as other applicable state and federal law. <br /> NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the premises, as well as the obligations herein <br /> made and undertaken,the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound,hereby agree as follows: <br /> Form 1 (10/ 98) <br />