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NIMOTBS OP THE PLlUnilHG C0NNIS8I01I !TIII6 OF NET 21, 1984.PAGE 2 <br />#835 JUDD ROGERS <br />4490 FOREST LAKE LANDING <br />LOT LINE REARRANGENENT <br />PUBLIC BEARING <br />7:55-8:05 P.M. <br />#819 NILLIAN MILLS <br />200 LEAF STREET <br />SUBDIVISION <br />Nr. and Mrs. Judd Rogers were present. Assistant <br />Zoning Administrator Gaffron noted the certificate of <br />mailing and the affidavit of publication. Judd <br />Rogers noted that the well is in the front of the house <br />and also that they are willing to remove the shed. <br />Assistant Zoning Administrator Gaffron noted that at <br />the time the application was sulxnitted, that staff did <br />not know that they would also need a variance. <br />Gaffron stated that the applicants will have to pay the <br />$100 variance fee. <br />Hardcover was discussed and it was determined that <br />because of the trade off in hardcover, no variance is <br />necessary. <br />Adams moved, Sime seconded, to approve the lot line <br />rearrangement based on the following findings: <br />1. Difficulty in exiting existing garage to street. <br />2. Applicant is reducing hardcover on property <br />Approval based on the following conditions: <br />1. No increase in hardcover and applicant to tradeoff <br />with existing hardcover <br />2. No side setback variance <br />3. Applicant to remove existing shed to reduce <br />hardcover on property. <br />Notion, Ayes (6), Nays (0). <br />William Mills was present. Assistant Zoning <br />Administrator Gaffron stated that staff needs <br />additional information concerning the septic primary <br />site. <br />Callhan moved, Sime seconded, to table William Mills <br />subdivision application until the septic is resolved. <br />Motion, Ayes (6), Nays (0). <br />A