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<br />Know all men by these presents -That we, Julius C . Iia.l lum and In-rer M. Hallum,, � wife, nes M.
<br />✓Yz'e-7s cr-AYz'VZse”: -f CZ cr�•riC 25-eLse -Z, 7 Z�� pwr,.14P
<br />Higgins, and Curran W. Higgins, her husband, Emma PSS. Shepard end Charles Al. Shepard, her husbL,,-,id prners and '
<br />proprietors of the following described property 1; inU in tht County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to wit:
<br />Lets Feur (40'.) 1`AVe rSeVeR--t;) and !:ht --i Block Nine teen (19) of " Saga Hill 4evised "
<br />according to the recorded plat thereof on`fle in the office of the Resister oYf Deeds in the County of
<br />Hennepin and State of. M�nnesota, also he ailty as shown on said -plat adjacent to the East line of-sa-i-d• Lots
<br />Six (6) and. Seven (7)Aon the East side thereof, also a stria of land One (I) foot wide adjacent to said alley
<br />on the East side thereof, also the following described property to sit. Commencing at the point of inter-
<br />section of the East line of before mentioned One (I) foot strip of land with the Southerly line of Tashburn
<br />Street as shown on the said plat of Saga Hill Revj, ped, thence Easterly to the point where the Southerly line
<br />of the County Road laid out through Lot Five (5) in Section Seven (7), Township One -hundred and seventeen
<br />West,
<br />(II7)North , Range Twenty-three (23)�Fifth (5th) Principal Meridian intersects the East line of Lot Four (4i
<br />in said Section, thence South along last named line to the shore of Lake Minnetonka thence T'esterly along the
<br />shore of said Lake to the East line of Lot Eight (`) in Block Nineteen (19) of said Saga gill revised, thence
<br />North to place of beginning- have' caused the same to be surveyed and platted ins: 11Orchard Beach " , as shown
<br />by the annexed plat. And we hereby donate and dedica.t-e to the p:iblic use fort:ver the alley thereon shown.
<br />Witness our hands and seals this 24th day of November. A. D. 1909.
<br />In presence of
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<br />State of Minnesota)
<br />County of Hennepin)
<br />h On this? 4th day of November A. D. 1909 q 9 personally appeared before me Julius C. Hallum and Inger P��.
<br />Hallum, his N i fe , Agnes ;. Higgins and Curran W. Higgins, her husband, Emma. M. Shepard and Charles 14.
<br />✓Vr_:a Z.r 0.7z
<br />✓1ra'c LS'c�z-u.��c� C-a�-rtC� ✓Yz. c•Zs�mac, es
<br />Shepard, rer hiosb u.�c:3,^to ±rje known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument
<br />and they acknowledged tl.wt they executed the same as t1eir free act and deed.
<br />State of. Minnesota) Notary, Public, Hennepin Cou llt Minnesota.
<br />County of Hennepin)SS' or
<br />My commission expire s•Qwr•l,/• ..I -.
<br />I hereby certify that I have surveyed acid platted the lend des. ribed on this plat as: " Orchard Beach's ,
<br />I hereby certify that the annexed plat of m, Orbhard Beach " , that this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown on the plat
<br />was accepted and approved by tr:e Board of County CommissionerNI in feet and decimals of a foot, that the monuments for guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed --
<br />Hennepin County, Minnesota at a meetingthereof held on 1Uh4LQ7.
<br />in the ground as shown on the plat, that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat, that
<br />day, of.1:':A. D. 190y the topography of the land is correctly shown on the plat and that there are no wet lands or public highways to
<br />be designated on said plat ot:aer than a� _Phown thereon. Lines and figures in red indicate lot lines, lot num_
<br />" ......bers and boundary lines of alley and orae foot strip as shown on the recorded plat of Saga Hill Revised. Lines
<br />County Auditor ennepin County,�«iinne and figures in black indicate the plat ',Of Orchard Beach. The difference between the location of the East line
<br />of Gower lment lot four (4) of Section Seven (7) Township O� e -hundred and seventeen (II7), Range Twenty-three
<br />1 By • . ....... ��y
<br />J (2 3) a s shown on : re reg r plat of Saga Hill Rev i sedgy ta& the same line as shown on the present plat of
<br />Deputy' Orchard Beach is caused by an eiibneous location of the East line of the South East quarter of said Secti6
<br />Seven. The South East corner of said Section is na-i properly "located and marked with a stone monument and
<br />c'�o rsr N1•
<br />the East quzrter sectionofsaid section is located byf decree of the District Court and marked with a stone
<br />monument and the East line of said lot four is established by a proper subdivision of the section from O c -
<br />corrected section line.
<br />• Surveyor.
<br />Abavt certificate subscrib%d and sworn to before me this 2 nth day of,
<br />November A. D. 1909•
<br />• • • • : . . vo. . . . .�00 • • • • • . • • • • • . : • • • . • • . • ..
<br />Notary Public,Hennepin County, Minnesota.
<br />M commission ex ires..a.�
<br />C7%�����
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