V V r� V r\ r7 r7 L=J &. V L..gr r- a OFFICE OF F:EGISTER OF DEEDS,
<br />lk'IBNNE�IN �Ol7NTYj
<br />Ctt�9i,1�►'
<br />Plot , That I ave carefully comps the wikhU coW�f
<br />HENNEPIN CO. MINN* VA So ,wh'ch„►SS�ed,,n••.... ..........—' .
<br />this office for recp�
<br />FRANk E". HAYCOCk ........A.D.Bad ,f Tt,3�t.1. .
<br />� is be s - ..�..�lt, and
<br />45'" vE YO R true and COs ct copy thcre�
<br />.
<br />men ,by y`fiese /mes- e n/s Phot I Emi y W. Sk/nner- to vVidow, owner and proprve%r of Mefollow" described pro/verf,. s/fvo+fed ire /he
<br />Covry/y of Herrne,P/./ Stade of Minn -26 c/o to wit; a// fhal�Parf of the sovf/,west one quczrfer (�SW�) of 8ee11on 7-wer fy Nine. 62 9P /y/n� nort/ter/y
<br />of the r/orther/y bne, of f/je erect¢ NOrfitrrr? Ra;.Iwax r%cA of w.a�/, a/so a// of /h-0 /na.f of f/le N., -Ah —e -T/ or,e gaar/er (N. W,ec on
<br />Thirty Titio C32) c�/escribed as`f'o/%jus ao.nrr,ene/A toff/ie Nor A.4oc/ corner of -rO/i/ North West or,e (/VW,g) of saig( 6ec1/on ThiriyTwo
<br />(3z J; f/ienee sovf/r a/e„� fh� caal Aoe of sa/q/ �uarfer se ion a ds/anee of Onehurrdrecl qnd cSjxfvfive (/66',0) f eef; /-/,ence lvesfpgra//e/
<br />fo the ,worth /ine of Sara/ 9var/er .5eefion a disfc)nce of one hvr,dreq/ seven><or,e and s;X fen/hs (/7//6J feelF�f/ence sou/h t/,ree c%9teeS (3�
<br />Eczsl� a �✓is/arrce of Seven hundredfiWy e/Cj�if and /wo tenths (758.2) feet fo a po/nt /� the Norther/y /ane of //ie Creuf Norlhern Rai/u/a�/
<br />//vehCe North Wesfet/y a/o.✓y� sar4/ /�9�if of 4uay /ne /v /fs inferseefion ivif/i f/�e Nor1h /ine of said 9u4rfer secfion;><f er�ee �asf
<br />/e the p/otCe oJr be�inn/n� IL /z, 7�o&V"S1i.0 oaehandrecl -and eiy4Aeer? 0/8) Nor)h Range Tw.er��yThree- (z3> YVesf of/he FiP,i (6 ArIn' apal
<br />Me";i6ean have eaysed A e same fo be svrveyecd andp/a/tea/ as '/1i/NNE7-OIVKA GARPEH-''.#CRES" a,ae-oreing fo f -he anne/ced /a/a/ anal hereby
<br />olonate- and cdec//eate fo the loufb/ic vse• forever a// roads cho,.vn on sarq/ /o/a/ /n w.,'Iness whereof I have hereunto se} In
<br />clay
<br />ar�d sec?/
<br />clay of ��.���� _ _ ` �d / 9//
<br />N•
<br />.Zriprese�ee of
<br />E.
<br />scah /":=,300/'
<br />iJi IG . O.k' R�,GISTBK OF DEEPS,
<br />• J , Mmt the within Plat of. ........ , .. . .
<br />. ne4-V • • • • • • • • • • • ......... was ailed in the office for reosrd dais
<br />/ 3o
<br />•..r .o• �. •... •..••..••....•
<br />. •/3. D///Ll,
<br />.of Fla* Page..
<br />M
<br />Cenfe r Sec. 29 T/fig , ?,a 3.
<br />y
<br />v
<br />W
<br />Stale of Mirrne-sotct S.S.
<br />Covnf o /Y/Ce
<br />/9// �eore r,�e/nersonQ//y ap/veared Frei/y yV c�ki/�ner a tuic�/ow /o
<br />Erre knower fo /SP /-he person deserrhe.d /n qnd &/Ac exeeofeof the forecyoinq /ns11-e1men1 grrc/ she acknowle%ed //ra/sfe exeev>`ed
<br />Abe same as ter- cW" free. ae/ and deed. J
<br />�orl x Pdh/ic Rice G`Oozy y /Yf)�y"ye.r0 zf
<br />Stale- of Minnesota]
<br />Count y of Hennepin
<br />I here�fiy cert,A/ Mal I have svrveyec/ and platted the faroperfX ceccribed orr Phis Plat as�Minnefonka Garden
<br />/57c1es" fhRf 1,4r5"/b/Qf /s q corrIe- C>e re'preseniafion of° surd survey,fi4al a//di*sfancec qre correef/y sAoWn on Ahe p/a/1r feel Qad vveelM* t/s 01q
<br />foot ihaf tle the tw,,d4r/ee of fulare surveys have been e-orreef/y/b/aeed In the 9rovr,d as shown on the. P/a/, -/Ao/ the co/side boundary
<br />1/nes care eorr&-ef/y c%s/y/,oled on /fe/p/Qf, Ahol //,e 10,P09r0/ih1 /s eor/'ee-lly sown on 1 -he 1v1,q/-al7elhaf fhere are "'70 eve/ /ands or)pu161fe
<br />//yhwQys to be a/esr�nafed o/, said plat other than shown ibereon
<br />Svrve,Yor
<br />1W
<br />Above eerfifi'cafe suhscribecl and sworn �a before me. this _ 2A/ praty of _. _ _
<br />Notary P 661.,0 f/e/hnep/a,,CgqounZ ,nr��so%
<br />—
<br />7
<br />Th/s /J/af a ✓ed by ff►e 13oarq/ of County Corn rnessioners of f/enrrepih Cov/tfy Mpo7nesola of ore v/nr irree//, y //r ere of f h%i174'
<br />�9L
<br />4
<br />