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<br />BOOK
<br />C.R. DOC. NO.
<br />PAGE
<br />/ Know all men by these presents that Karl R. Gardner and Betty P. Gardner, husband and wife, owners and proprietors,
<br />and Robert P. Niichel and Lorraine M. Niichel, husband and wife, contract purchasers of the following -described
<br />property situated in the State of Minnesota and. the County of Hennepin, to wit; Government Lot 1, Section 28, Town -
<br />r Y ACRES ship 118 North, Range 23 t,,Test of the 5t1l Principal I,ieridian, except the East 331 feet of the South 776 feet of said
<br />Government Lot 1, have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as LIBERTY ACREIS and do hereby donate and dedi-
<br />cate to the public for public use forever the drainage and utilitl;r easements as shown on this plat.
<br />�+ 0 /00 200 GORDON R COFFIN In witness whereof said Karl t. Gardner and 'Betty P. Gardner, husband and wife, have hereunto set• their hands and
<br />i,7CAI.E /A/ FEET seals this day of , 1976; and said Robert P. Niichel and Lorraine M. Niichel, husband and
<br />LAND SURVEYOR 8 PLANNER wife, have hereunto set their hands and seals this, 4 day of , 1976.
<br />D14 )`7E OC %OBER % 1.976 LONG LAKE, MINNESOTA Signed
<br />`'Nenn¢pin Covrt><y rm,_rrvm¢nt o� ><�e
<br />6✓es� gvUrfer comer-' o{ jQGfion 28, Karl R. Gardner
<br />%wnshio 1/8 Nor>lh, ,?orr9e 23 W95-1 Betty P. Gardner �.
<br />h of ¢he 5th PM. Q . .
<br />IM Robert P. Niichel
<br />i
<br />00 N89 °/7',�6 "ty Lorraine 14. Niichel
<br />/303.
<br />/075, DD �!- ' � 228.00 -.. - - - .- / T ✓
<br />State of Minnesota)
<br />/Vor1A /ir7P o1'6ov'f La>< /, o°`�� 5�' o i�°a County of Hennepin) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;3 °`day of ��„, 1976,
<br />VSec><ioh 2$ 7cwnsA'p //8 /Yor��i 5 01 ---
<br />Ran
<br />Ran e 23W-71 o>t7'1h P.M, C 00 NB9°/7'S6„`� by Karl R. Gardner and Betty P. Gardner, h band and wife.
<br />0 - Notary FCblic, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />COQ b' My commission expires
<br />0°a State of 1,3nnesota )
<br />County of Hennepin) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of loj, 1976,
<br />/
<br />`-Dr-air�ogc° and by Robert P. Niichel and Lorraine M. Niichel, husband and wife.
<br />•� I / /'�-
<br />pprair�dyc° rJi74� � � �o � � / / ufi/i{y c�4'BomPrr� j
<br />/Qry\ Notary*Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />My commission expires
<br />0
<br />5
<br />cT O0
<br />t4 ON
<br />Zeo1 z8 /ihP n 61v' L� /
<br />f � � � I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as LIBERTY ACNES ; that this
<br />-!1/Ps� /inc of Gc x'54 Loi / �' �? J ,' ,�� Snc><ioh 28, T tr i/fhi //8/Ifp�h�
<br />D 5 OraindgP and w 1?an � 23/yds f a�PM _ plat is a correct representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shoran on said plat in feet and
<br />NorlSI�CXh,n ng Z.3Tot,!'Ish //8ufi/ify naso�as�n{ 1 hundredths of a foot; that all monument; have been correctly placed in the ground as shown on said plat; that the
<br />Norfh,Ran9c�23i'%sro{Sf�P.M. ¢,5 iM _--.� outside boundaries are correctly designated on said plat; and that there are no public highways to be designated on
<br />e� i li
<br />said plat.
<br />Gordon R. Coffin, Land Surveyor and er Minn.
<br />° Registration No. 6 4
<br />o.Zt I State of Minnesota)
<br />690 \ z®.1.E 1976
<br />\ \ County of Hennepin) The fore�^oinC instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , ,
<br />2 4 /vez9°o0W by Gordon R. Coffin, land surve-
<br />or. �^
<br />\al m�ctr7dpr cor nor �•. i Barbara K. Coffin, Notary . _c, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />My commission expires July 28, 1977
<br />Q
<br />\ Edye r,f' we>< /and \ Q
<br />- ` � •\` ....:..........331.00--...--•--......._-�
<br />5 \ \ti
<br />yo \ \ ORONO, MINNESOTA
<br />\ 3 Ed e of w¢f /Q„d / The plat of LIBERTY ACRES was approve �t and a ted by the City Council of the City of Orono, Minnesota, at a
<br />\ 9 \ regular meeting thereof held this day of 1976.
<br />vaotx Mayor
<br />o
<br />O Dano%s iron monumPMi
<br />/ ��4-
<br />-A
<br />*� Administrator
<br />Bearings s6>awnnr� assumc�c \ -o
<br />6 FINANCE DIVISION?, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />I hereby certify that th re are no delinquent taxes f r all years prior to 1917 for land described on this plat.
<br />\ b I Dated this 1' (--'iay of _ , 19ril. �
<br />Vernon T. Hoppe, :Director by Tax Clerk
<br />B,-nch mot % is U. S. Coasl an d
<br />Su/ voy s/a�dd ara%ks
<br />, rornp �d I COUNTY SURVEYOR, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />W //7 /93¢ and se, in /0,V V con crL�10
<br />post �o }� a� Zo•sf a,"
<br />�o \ Pursuant to Chapter 810, Minnesota Laws of 1969, this plat has been approved this day of ,
<br />S>Gud�s .Bay kond and 34>e°��r iaerfjt e� 1976.
<br />Cars{ter%inP ®f Burlin fan Ndri�i<-Jrn t'ai/- �' \�BY
<br />c
<br />way 7�t oc% i,i A14 0/ Sc1cr7::yr7 32, i
<br />r�.�rrshl/a /iB.YoN7tY7, ,4yrt�c° z3L/c^S/'77' \ \ A1ver R. Freeman, Hennepin County Surveyor
<br />�\
<br />� \ i CGt?PTTY RECOR,.DER, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />I hereby certify that the within plat of LIBERTY ACRES was filed in this office this day of ,
<br />GLa7�r -/walio,7 or'LakP Cass an Was I 1976, at o'clock , and was recorded in Rook of Plats, Page , and that the two copies were com-
<br />9796/ fPPf,,on o,.fober z8,I976 \ \ pared with the official plat and were found to be true and correct copies thereof.
<br />\ Mayne A. Johnson, County Recorder bur Deputy
<br />� \� � � Nennepirl Courr7�y mon�,nenf of ><he
<br />z i _50c/fh gvc{,'&I- corner o{ Secfiort 28,
<br />z3o r 68. 7s p 7OW1lsh'1181vo),- t Rcinge 23 t^ asf
<br />2/8.08 _ o{ fhe 5fh P. M.
<br />\ M 286_93
<br />331.v4 - - ------�a�r---{�-.
<br />soulA Loi
<br />S&cllon 2R, 7c_YWOJ,1?�p //8 /*,1/11i, "'HNnn��sr �auniy manvmPr�7j fiNr7/Jr?/7//1 C�c1s7 y rP��i P, Cep m©nutria n'
<br />RangC� 23 Y��=srz n� _3j��r O” /^I `rf ,r,Qa�iorc°r cairiPr
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