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<br />AUGUST, 1975
<br />Know all men by these preserts that Floyd E. Nelson, as administrator C. T. A. of the Estate of James Gordon Scott, deceased, owner and proprietor, and Thomas S. Hartzell, Jr. and Madeline M.
<br />Hartzell, his wife, purchaser; under contract for deed of the following described property situated in the State of Minnesota and County of Hennepin to wit:
<br />That part of Government Lot 1, Section 15, Township 117, Range 23, lying Easterly of the Easterly line of the right-of-way of the Great Northern Railway Company;
<br />That part of Government Lot 4, Section 10, Township 117, Range 23, lying Easterly of the Easterly line of the right-of-way of Great Northern Railway Company, and Southerly of the following described
<br />line, to -wit, Beginning at a paint in the Easterly line of the right-of-way of said Great Northern Railway Company, distant 370.25 feet Northeasterly measured along the Easterly line of said right-of-way
<br />from its intersection with the South line of said Section 10; thence East parallel with the South line of said Section 10 to the shore of Lake Minnetonka.
<br />Have caused the same to be SL rveyed and platted as HARTWOOD and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the highway and easements for utility and drainage purposes as
<br />shown on the plat. In witness whereof said Floyd E. Nelson, as administrator C. T. A. of the Estate of James Gordon Scott, deceased, has hereunto set his hand and seal this day of
<br />1976. In witness whereof said Thomas S. Hartzell, Jr. and Madeline M. Hartzell, his wife, have hereunto set their hands and seals this_ -day of
<br />1976.
<br />Floyd E. Nelson
<br />(as administrator C. T, A. of the Estate of James Gordon Scott, deceased)
<br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of
<br />James Gordon Scott, deceased.
<br />Thomas S. Hartzell Jr.
<br />Madeline M. Hartzell
<br />, 1976 by Floyd E. Nelson, as administrator C. T. A. of the Estate of
<br />Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. My commission expires
<br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this—4'--day of M A Rc-r%
<br />L94c-�L vf-.,
<br />RAL�pw. ,j. 'Z ..-V-r`,&T.
<br />Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota.
<br />1976 by Thomas S. Hartzell, Jr. and Madeline M. Hartzell, his wife.
<br />My commission expires�;�r'.
<br />hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as HARTWOOD; that this plat is a correct representation of said survey; that all distances are correctly shown on
<br />the plat in feet and hundredths, of a foot; that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown, and that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat.
<br />Vernon A. Nickols, Land Surveyor. Minnesota Registration No. 9053
<br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this s_' day of �o�� , 1975 by Vernon A. Nickols, Land Surveyor.
<br />-1 R I S KU Nl z, Not
<br />Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. My commission expires March 4, 1982.
<br />This plat of HARTWOOD was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Orono, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 1976.
<br />by
<br />FINANCE DIVISION, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />hereby certify that there are no delinquent taxes for all years prior to
<br />Dated this day of , 1976.
<br />Vernon T. Hoppe, Director
<br />mayor by
<br />for land described on this plat.
<br />by
<br />Pursuant to Chapter 810, Minnesota Laws of 1969, this plat has been approved this day of
<br />95
<br />Alver R. Freeman, Hennepin County Surveyor
<br />REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Hennepin County, Minnesota
<br />hereby certify that the within plat of HARTWOOD was filed in this office this day of
<br />_ with the official plat and were found to be true and correct copies thereof.
<br />Wayne A. Johnson, Registrar of Titles
<br />by
<br />tax clerk
<br />, 1976.
<br />administrator
<br />, 1976, at o'clock . M., and that the two copies were compared
<br />deputy
<br />BOO K
<br />R.T. DOC. NO.
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