<br />S N
<br />5CALF. )#1,-100'
<br />Engineers Surveyors
<br />Auc,usr, 1948
<br />Cuter al Sect/onIO iso / hereby Certify thatin caccordonce with Chaotea- 49�' Sessiocl Lo�vs of order'
<br />T/17 R 2,; j56, 8� 9 �S' %3%>
<br />156 B� �ti I of >he Cour, fy Auditor of ,�e'nneain COaA�y, /ylir�nesoha lhave suryeyPA' moria' 0/0/ ed the
<br />o �'� ' e Nf corn�rof Gov f ' ' .
<br />lab- 61; 3 following c�'es,cribed' lana` fa w t - Lofs 3 and ,and // of Lal 5' eXce f
<br />//0 5 L of3, Sec tion /o f > p the SOUfhWes fell
<br />/Rov�aoa. - - - - - - �- — - _ l2/. /2 eet (hereof sold i2e i2 .feet beim anpcasureit �f ri M �� /es (loin the Southesr`er/ `y
<br />404 os ' .9 .� .� .y
<br />�Eost o ci 141esf Quo r Section Line o Section /0 of n,�o' 'of
<br />o 4 ,S; a/I ira �"/,brioge �5' Bclrrre rsf .5ut�diYis/on /7 Secf/or) Ick, 70 v17 117 'n)?5?e 23. Also
<br />of Section io, rfh 41ange 23 l?/es>� of the ffh princioo/ /172ridion,
<br />Toi1v,/7sh�,o �f7
<br />described as fo/%vs, to -Wit' Beginning of n,oa ref /n the .North lige of 6011V Mehl, Lot.; in sold
<br />Section /a, which oin t /s 4o., os feel 11Ve5f of the /Yorfhensf corner o>`' solo' of
<br />p 1 3> thence
<br />chef/ecting Aorfhyvesfer/y �`rom the �1!orth /ine o�`'sAic> Lot3 lo the rirh� 6 on on /e 44=4�'
<br />a disf4nec , of 150,�eef; (hence Southwester/y foA,aoinf 17 the 6105711 c�nQ✓ vest rfersection
<br />VZ' /ine ofsoid Section /o -which ,0011771 is llog feet Gas/- of the centerofs©io' section thence �il/esf
<br />/ Q
<br />�q � ti9 along 5,01d lost Qnd AVO.5f fuarfer sect/on /ine lo ifs intersection ifh fh e �/orlheQsfer/y //ne
<br />r Qy/ LOT
<br />12 0� of Lof 2 in said 5. 5, Barnes Sub.; (hence SoufheAster/y c7/oly the Alorthec�sferly /ine of
<br />h"
<br />sold Loan 2V the ,shore of Lake /4111,7netonka; (hence /Yorfheasfer/y alony the shore or^soid
<br />yy
<br />lake fv ifs intersection wIA; ca line which bears Soulh 45=/V' Zasf ,from the point of beginning
<br />132 G r,, e (hence �oHh 4,5-/4 I� me 466. /5 .�`eef more or less fo the po;12 f o 1 beginning; Also all iia t pa -f
<br />said Secfi/Oor� or er ,
<br />, ,f M y ale as 8/ock 3, in .Stafford s Addi tion ro Mark Ville (flow
<br />12.b I2 p r .� vAeoAed) raccord1ng to fhe,o/af fhereo 'on .file And of record //7 the office of the Re :5-Aer
<br />Lor �� ti9 w`� j
<br />fly` Deeds in sand for said County; ansa' that part af' Lake Street (naw vacafed) as /old
<br />\ \ 2 \ and ,o%tfed /n said p/af of Sfd.'ards Addition, described os ,follows: fo-wvr'f> 2i3n-
<br />,J
<br />Q' the corner of'sold 81ock 3; thence Soufhdaster/ c�/on the South-
<br />% 9
<br />wester /y /ine af' said block Ond the scene exfe'ed �o the Baster/y line of said Lemke
<br />© \
<br />57reet (Iow vAcc�feo'� ; thence Nol*er�( ,along the fOsfer/yy /ine of said Lake .Street fa
<br />�\ b 91 �' , the East ana' 1r11est �uarfer s�c7`ion /ine oa` Secr✓ivn io, Towrash ' 117 North, ,Qca� 23
<br />Lliesf; ;thence �as�` o%ng ihe said �c�.sf ane' l'Vesf 9uQrfer section /1re0/ ection fo
<br />the cen ter of 5`671c1 Sec, /oW io ; thence 14101 h 72 °36 ' 1 Yes; 7B .75 .gee f; fh17ce If!or h gO o4'
<br />lyes(/� feet; thence South 72-°i7'WaS7- i6 feel; 'hence Svufh 6S°24' 1�1/esf i6 .feet ''enc Uf
<br />e Sow)0
<br />�� o'er \ \ \ ham. Q 58 ®27'1�esf �6 .feef� thence South ¢s° v8' G1�esf �6 .feet; fhe�ce South .sem,, I�Yesf 8 .feet
<br />more or less fa a point in 756e Sou,'her/y &v of Z,0,1-.l� said Bock 3 of Sfoffol-dS Addif or)
<br />Ma-rkvi//e which point is d�sf4nf 20 >`c1e ` Saufhec7Sfer/� .701-oir7 ihe most JlVesfer, corner
<br />of walla' Lot 1; (hence *V`7r 7eastel* ,oal-ca//e/ 141irh 0/70(20 .{e� .r`raM E�sfer/ ri ht
<br />of way /ine of Great /laorfher17Poi/way Company o distance of 775 .leo( more or less
<br />to the cen ler /ine of Lake Street?now a(xc�r`ec�'�; (hence ✓Yorfhwesfer/y elon soil-' cuter
<br />\ yR D 11 y
<br />/ine 20 Aeliraare orless fo scaad (caster%r right of way lime of Greer' Norfher'n mai/why
<br />sxs� ti �° Campcany fhenc& Southwester/y a/or7gc sale` faster/y line ov' solo' r% ht of'rua fo the
<br />point aft begi�an nuc , G�ccordi/ay� 7`o the Goverfamenr` survey ahG 'he re p�cfi've ylcafs there-
<br />of ora .71110 ora' o,I' ".-ecoid in the office a r`' the Regisfer Of ` Duds' 112 ,and ,for sc�ic�' h'enneoin
<br />M
<br />Of 7A' County- 7h' a 'i'f/e fo a 20 ,Poor` sfr/p eller the rear ends of Lofs it ona' S o�'sain' subdivision
<br />_ r' P1 _ , r- /-.1 r r 1-4
<br />Ana' over Lots t fo 4 0.7' sold .,Block 3 and ,across the Sou�her/y one-ha/.f
<br />,S'tree>; /70w vacated, in sola' Ao'difivn , is su6Jec f 'o 'he right of way easement ,mated
<br />by instrument of r0corv' in Book 7i'6 o.f Oeeo's, ,oc yy�e S93, and a 1aorfion 0." solo' ;premises
<br />crescribed ds b�ginnin•g Af the Soutfienst corner of the iYorfhwesT qua1-1e1'4/.r // j of
<br />I ,Pot rf F i Se'c tion /o; aih ence ltiesf X6.8 .feet Tong ihe South line o f Said /Uorfhwv�s f aw. l-fer (iV1l/r, j
<br />e { _ f /zimrnons, County Auditor of flen,7eoin/ Coun y, �innesotA thence ,�or,�h .50%� 1�es' 3� 35 ,feet fher7ce 50411th 72 °36 - as' 8.35.feea` l0 hogI1,70,11,7
<br />7 is
<br />hereby cerci. y that` I helve nofi�ied 1`he owners of the ,�"C7' aescrrbed /n the subject` fo the conditions subse ue�f/y creafc�' b, a'ec'4& of record iia Book X83 of 4eec�s,
<br />cerfificc77`e o. `a re s>`ored /Ano' survc or hereon fo /Af the some clad' y , SUBDIY/S/��V NUr�IBER 356 /r'�iV,NEP/N CDUNr,Y IVINNE507A'
<br />.� p pa es 190 ar7d i8/ • as Auo/T4R,s
<br />o reasonob/e f/ine having elapsed since serving of said notice and said fhAt fh/s ,o/af /s A of Saa' hh at all V1sfnnces ore ,erre,-`/y
<br />owners 0.711* SCI& /sand hatlily .tai/ed 7o cavy/y n.;% h sold r7o><ice oac' r~epesf shoLvra vn the ,o/pt i? 7:e0lalld the m017umer71,5 .IOr aidance Of
<br />I have caused the "same fa be,o%ffec7' h7 occvrdOW61 with the ;o/af on hiis future surveys have ,6ee� corr•�cf/ /aced �n the rvun�a' 0nd that the outs de bounder
<br />sheet and sale fo be know-) as 49 101 roR S Su801 vls/ov Aral - ez e 356 , � .y � cJ y
<br />f�ENNEP/N COUNTY Wil.-uiv�-soT,a , •.•.� /lnes care correcr`/y_ des�r�a, eQ' an the plat
<br />J
<br />Da1`ed E r ,r
<br />,�.a: /9�8"'�``•••�'"" _ ° •.. .r. Surveyor - Minn. Pen. �Yo,
<br />Lou ty ,4udifor .: ., Above cerfi.ficote s; 7scribeca' al7d swore fo before me this 2YA day
<br />f/ennep�n Coun fy, Min�esn' ,�
<br />' �� ^r', %I/olar� Pub/ic, rYeniaeoir� o fy, /Lii�heso�`a c E r a,,�,r .,;�
<br />n • • ....... • • J►ly Commission eroires
<br />M• ' f
<br />4
<br />