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Joseph Olson D.B.A. <br />Rusty Olson's--Soil and Percolation Testing <br />Joseph J. Olson--MPCA License # 810 <br />11481 Riverview Rd. NE, Hanover, MN 55341 <br />(763) 498-8779 Email rusty2654* <br />May 3, 2021 <br />Dale Monson <br />2730 Silverview Drive <br />Orono, Hennepin County <br />To whom it may concern, <br />I was contacted by Dale Monson to design new septic tanks for 2730 Silverview Drive. <br />The existing tanks leak below their design operating level and need to be abandoned and <br />replaced. They need to be replaced with a minimum of a 2250 -gallon combination septic tank or its <br />equivalent. The existing lift station needs to be replaced with a minimum of 1000 -gallon tank. The <br />existing system is designed for a three-bedroom house. <br />The TBM is the top of the basement door threshold. Elv-100.0 The elevation of the grade for the <br />proposed new tank is at 100.1 The top of the existing first tank is at Elv-98.4. The elevation of the grade <br />for the proposed new lift station is at Elv. -100.9 The top of the existing lift station is at Elv-97.6. All <br />tanks need to be insulated if there is less than two feet of cover over the top of the tanks. <br />The existing mound system meets the 2.0 -foot separation to the periodically saturated soils. <br />If the tanks are replaced the septic system will be compliant. <br />See drawing for the location of the new septic tank <br />If you have any questions please call. <br />Sincerely, <br />Joseph J. Olson <br />