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2011 purple code MOn d Design <br /> fvarc 14;91 <br />Property Owner: Hendel Homes Date: 6/29/2019 <br />Site Address: 3345 Fox Street PID: 0511723440007 <br />Comments: <br />instructions: = = enter data = adjust if desired = computer calculated - DO NOT CHANGE! <br />1) I' (bedroom Type I I Residential System <br />2) 1050 GPD design flow <br />3) Yes Garbage disposal or pumped to septic 50% larger tank with multiple comp/tanks <br />4) 3000 Gal Septic tank (code minimum) 3000 Gal Septic tank (design size / LUG req'd) <br />Tank options: none <br />s) 1.2 GPD/ft2 mound sand loading rate contour loading rate of 12 req's a min 87.5 ft. long rockbed <br />6) 10.0 ft rockbed width 88.0 ft rockbed length <br />7) 3.0 ft lateral spacing 3.0 ft perforation spacing (maximum of 3 for both) <br />end feed manifold connection <br />8) I ' llaterals 86.0 feet long 29.0 perfs / lateral F 87 1 perfs total <br />(1/2 a perf means the first pert starts at the middle feed manifold) <br />9) 7/32 inch perfs at feet residual head gives 0.56 gpm flow rate per perforation <br />771 for this perf size Et spacing, Ft pipe size on line 12, max perfs/lateral F 30 ,line #8 must be less > OK <br />10) 4.0 doses per day (4 minimum) <br />11) 263 gallons per dose (treatment volume) <br />2.00 5x <br />12) 2,00 inch diameter laterals must be used to meet "4x pipe volume" requirement <br />2.00 3x <br />13) 305 feet of 2.0 inch supply line leads to =gallons of drainback volume <br />(Tip: "top feed" manifold to control the drainback) <br />14) 315 gallons TOTAL pump out volume (treatment + drainback) <br />15) 14 feet vertical lift from pump to mound laterals, leads to a: <br />16) 49 GPM G 42 feet of head, Pump requirement (note: >50gpm may require an extra 3-6' of head) <br />17) 1050 gal Dose tank (code minimum) 1500 gal Dose tank (design size / LUG req'd) at 29.41 gpi <br />leads to a <br />18) 10.7 inch swing on Demand float, or timed dosing of6.4 min ON (confirm pump rate with drawdown <br />(this delivers Average flow, =70% of Peak design flow) 9 hrs OFF test and adjust as necessary) <br />19) 12 inches from bottom of tank to "Pump OFF" float <br />20) 23 inches from bottom of tank to "Pump ON" float, orF36] <br />inches to "Timer ON" float if time dosed <br />21) 26 inches from bottom of tank to "Hi Level" float, or inches to "Hi Level" float if time dosed <br />;221) 735 gallons reserve capacity (after High Level Alarm is activated) <br />