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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 7 1 5 0 <br />A RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING VARIANCES FROM <br />MUNICIPAL ZONING CODE <br />SECTIONS 78-305; 78-1279; AND 78-1680 <br />AND <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS PURSUANT TO <br />SECTIONS 78-1437; 78-1118; 78-1125; AND 78-1126 <br />FILE NO. LA20-000022 <br />WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, on behalf of William F. Wanner and Kathleen A. <br />Wanner, husband and wife (hereinafter the "Owners"), Randy Haapala (hereinafter the "Applicant'), <br />applied for the following land use approvals: <br />1. A variance from Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-305 to allow redevelopment of <br />a property with 1.27 acres in area and 180 feet of width where 2.0 acres and 200 feet of <br />width are required; and <br />2. A variance from Code Section 78-1279 and 78-1680 to allow 530 square feet of hardcover <br />consisting of building and structure within the 75 -foot setback from the OHWL of Lake <br />Minnetonka where no hardcover is permitted; and <br />3. A variance from Code Section 78-1125(a) to permit less than a 15 -foot elevation bench <br />around the home; and <br />4. A conditional use permit pursuant to Zoning Code Section 78-1437 to allow plumbing <br />consisting of a full bathroom including bathtub and/or shower within an accessory building; <br />and <br />5. A conditional use permit pursuant to Zoning Code Sections 78-1118, 78-1125, and 78- <br />1126 to permit filling within the floodplain and grading on the property to mitigate the fill <br />material in order to develop the property and elevate the home above the RFPE; <br />For the property addressed 1095 Ferndale Road West and legally described as: <br />All that part of Lot 9, North Shore Cottage Acres Lake Minnetonka, lying <br />Southeasterly of the Southeasterly lines of Registered Land Survey No. 441 <br />and Registered Land Survey No. 902, and lying Northwesterly of the <br />Northwesterly line of Registered Land Survey No. 1372, Hennepin County, <br />Minnesota; <br />Subject to perpetual easements for sanitary sewer purposes in favor of the City <br />of Orono over that part of the above land as specifically described in Hennepin <br />County Recorder Document No. 4608875 and in Hennepin County Recorder <br />Document No. 4608876; <br />Per Certificate of Title Number 1120830 (hereinafter the "Property"); <br />