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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 7 9 6 <br />A RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING VARIANCES FROM <br />THE ORONO SIGN CODE <br />FILE NO. LA21-000035 <br />WHEREAS, on April 21, 2021, Darrin Rosha o/b/o Orono Station West ("Applicants"), applied <br />for variances from the City Code for the property addressed 2160 Wayzata Blvd West and legally described as: <br />The West 200 feet of that part of the East half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township <br />118, Range 23 described as commencing at the Northwest corner of said East half of the Northwest <br />Quarter; thence due South (assumed bearing) along the West line of said East Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter a distance of 1311.29 feet; thence South 87 degrees 41 minutes East, 545.78 feet to the <br />actual point of beginning; thence North 87 degrees 41 minutes West, 200 feet; thence North 2 <br />degrees 19 minutes East, 188.93 feet; thence North 87 degrees 41 minutes West, 200 feet; thence <br />South 2 degrees 19 minutes West, 334.96 feet to the Northerly right of way line of State Highway No <br />12; thence South 69 degrees 41 minutes East along said Northerly right of way line 45.94 feet; <br />thence Easterly 364.3 feet along said Northerly right of way line being a tangential curve to the <br />left having a radius of 1587.28 feet to an intersection with a line bearing South 2 degrees 19 <br />minute West from the actual point of beginning; thence North 2 degrees 19 minutes East 232.24 <br />feet to actual point of beginning. <br />The boundary lines thereof are marked by Judicial Landmarks set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 17100. <br />Subject to a snow fence easement in favor of the State of Minnesota on land adjacent to the highway <br />as shown by instrument recorded in Book 1129 of Deeds, page 144, Doc. No. 1428611; <br />Subject to an easement for highway purposes in favor of State of Minnesota over the following <br />described tract: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said East half of the Northwest Quarter run <br />due South (oriented to assume bearing) along the West line ofsaid East Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter a distance of 1275.90 feet; thence South 52 degrees 30 minutes East, 180.11 feet; thence <br />South 2 degrees 19 minutes West, 38.99 feet to the center of former State Aid Road No. 9 being the <br />point of beginning; thence continue South 2 degrees 19 minutes West 38.62 feet; thence South 69 <br />degrees 41 minutes East, 45.94 feet; thence on a tangential curve, concave to the North having a <br />radius of 1587.28 feet (central angle 3 degrees 16 minutes 20 seconds) 90.65 <br />feet; thence North 56 degrees 44 minutes West 152.35 feet to the point of beginning; <br />WHEREAS, the Applicants have made application to the City of Orono for a variance to Orono <br />Sign Code to allow two free standing signs, one of which is 97 square feet, three canopy signs, and lighting on <br />the face of the canopy; and <br />