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C. Private Road Standards. <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. X948 <br />1) The new road serving the development shall be constructed as a private road. <br />The road shall have a rural design, and shall have a paved width of 24'. <br />2) Appropriate street, traffic and parking signage including required stop signs <br />within the parking lots and loading areas to ensure safe parking areas and <br />pedestrian crossing within the development shall be installed by the Developer <br />subject to review and approval by Orono staff and City Engineer. <br />3) A monument sign may be provided by the Developer at the entrance to the site. <br />The signage shall be limited to the facility name, address and/or logo on the <br />monument sign. Final design/materials of monument signage shall be subject to <br />the requirements in City Code 78-1466(11) and approval by the City Council, <br />D. Utilities; Stormwater Management <br />1) Sanitary sewer and municipal water connections shall be installed by the <br />Developer per plans subject to approval by the City Engineer. The City will <br />inspect these systems during their construction to ensure proper installation. <br />2) Developer shall provide suitable evidence of Minnehaha Creek Watershed <br />District (MCWD) approval of the stormwater management plan before <br />Development Plan Approval will be granted. The stormwater drainage system will <br />be owned and maintained by the Developer. <br />E. Wetland Impacts <br />1) Developer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Council that all <br />requirements of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District as administrator of the <br />WCA regulations on Orono's behalf are met. <br />2) Developer will conform to Orono's wetland, wetland buffer and buffer setback <br />requirements within Municipal Code, Chapter 79, Article X1 Wetlands Protection. <br />Any proposed wetland and wetland buffer impacts shall be mitigated according to <br />the requirements of the applicable codes and laws. <br />F. Grading, Erosion Control <br />1) Erosion control shall adhere to Orono Municipal Code, Chapter 79 regarding <br />Construction Site Runoff. All erosion controls as required by the City and the <br />MCWD shall be in place prior to commencing excavation on the site. All such <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />