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Resolution 5948
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5900 - 5999 (January 11,2010 - November 8, 2010)
Resolution 5948
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/7/2015 7:46:52 AM
Creation date
8/7/2015 7:46:04 AM
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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />N O . A <br />desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the opportunity to speak thereon; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on June 21, 2010 recommended on a <br />vote of 5-0 that the Council grant rezoning to RPUD Residential Planned Unit Development <br />District and grant general concept plan approval subject to review by the City Engineer and City <br />Fire Marshal, and subject to final Met Council approval of the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orono City Council makes the following findings in regard to this <br />application for comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning and RPUD General Concept Plan <br />approval: <br />FINDINGS <br />A. Community Mana ement Plan Conformi • Rezoning <br />1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #10-3472. <br />2. The property is located in the RR -1 B Single Family Rural Residential District, requiring a <br />minimum lot size of 2.0 acres. The properly consists of approximately 10.36 acres; <br />approximately 3.8 acres is wetland resulting in a net dry -buildable area of 6.4 acres. <br />3. The development plans include construction of a private road, a parking lot and a 55 -unit <br />building. This proposal is consistent with the 2009 amendment of the 2000-2020 <br />Comprehensive Plan which re -guided the site to allow residential development at an <br />urban density of up to 10 units per buildable acre, and with the 2010-2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan update which allows a density of up to 15 units per acre. <br />4. The Developer has proposed to construct 27,465 square feet of structure (25,814 square <br />foot building + 1,571 square foot entrance canopy + 80 square foot trash enclosure) <br />where the 2009 amendment to the 2000-2020 Comprehensive Plan and 2010-2030 <br />update permitted a maximum of 20,000 square feet. The proposed square footage <br />results in only 9.6% of the buildable area and 6% of the site overall. To allow for <br />flexibility, the Council finds that increasing the allowed footprint for this issue to 30,000 <br />square feet will not result in any conflicts with the City's goal of keeping development at <br />this site low -profile and blending with the natural surroundings of the site. <br />5. Rezoning of the property from RR -11B to RPUD is appropriate based on the location of <br />the site between two major highway corridors with no abutting local roads. The <br />remoteness of the site from other residential neighborhoods coupled with the direct <br />Page 2 of 11 <br />
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