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'1 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO, 5711 <br />WHEREAS, Edward H. Hamm, as Trustee of the Trust of Edward H. Hamm u/d <br />dated August 14, 1992, as amended and restated from time to time (hereinafter "Owner") has <br />since acquired the McNaughton parcels and is now fee owner of the Properties; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owner has completed or has agreed to complete all other <br />requirements of the platting regulations of the City including: <br />1. Completion of all platting requirements of Preliminary Plat Resolution No, 5489. <br />2. Dedication on the plat of "drainage and utility easements" 10' along exterior <br />property lines and 5' along the interior property line perimeter as required in <br />Resolution No. 5489. <br />3. Provision to the City of a title opinion or other evidence of ownership satisfactory <br />to the City Attorney and certified copies of all recorded easements currently <br />affecting the Property. <br />4. Payment to the City of final plat review fees and legal review and filing fees in <br />the amount of $530.00 as established within Resolution No. 5489. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on the findings of <br />Resolution No. 5489, the City Council of the City of Orono does hereby approve the residential <br />plat of DRAGONFLY HILL 2ND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota subject to the <br />following declarations and conditions: <br />1. No building permits will be allowed for either of the two new Lots resulting from the <br />subdivision until such time that lot area variances are granted for each of the said Lots. <br />2. Access to the new Lot at 1401 Shoreline Drive shall be from Orono Lane as depicted on <br />the preliminary plat, and said Lot shall be assigned an Orono Lane address uuon <br />completion of the platting process. <br />3. Upon filing of the plat the City and the Owner shall take the necessary steps to extinguish <br />the Special Lot Combination Agreement between Lot 1, Block 1, Blue Hill and Outlot A, <br />Blue Hill. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />