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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 7 <br /> NO. • 2 0 3 <br /> iosHOiLl‘ <br /> Exhibit A <br /> A 35-foot perpetual easement and a 100-foot width temporary construction easement for sanitary sewer <br /> purposes over, underand across the following described property: <br /> That part of Subdivision No. 1 of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Subdivision No. 1 <br /> of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and Subdivision No. 1 of Lot 3,Section 34, <br /> Township 118,Range 23,described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of said <br /> Section 34,which point is 340 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the <br /> Southeast Quarter of said Section: thence running Southwesterly, making an angle to the right of <br /> 36 degrees,45 minutes from said East line of said Section a distance of 220 feet to the center line of <br /> the bed of the creek which flows from Long Lake in Town of Orono Southwesterly into Mud Lake <br /> near Lake Minnetonka:thence following the center line of the bed of said creek in a Westerly and <br /> Southwesterly direction to a point in the center line of said creek distant 180 feet Northeasterly <br /> from the Southwest corner of said Quarter-Quarter section thence in a straight line Southwesterly to <br /> said Southwest corner;thence Easterly to the Southeast corner of said Section;thence North to the <br /> beginning. <br /> Said perpetual easement being 17.5 feet on each side of the following described line and said temporary <br /> construction easement being 37.5 feet to the right and 62.5 feet to the left of the following described line. <br /> Said line described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 34,Township 118,Range 23:thence on an assumed <br /> bearing of North 0 degrees, 53 minutes 11 seconds East along the East line ofsaid Section 34 a <br /> distance of 815.77 feet to the beginning of the line to be described:thence South 69 degrees, 07 <br /> minutes, 45 seconds West 141.60 feet;thence South 45 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds West <br /> 119.82 feet;thence South 68 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds West 167.63 feet;thence South 85 <br /> degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds West 508.09 feet:thence South 43 degrees 53 minutes 45 seconds <br /> West 569.13 feet;thence South 1 degree 29 minutes 43 seconds West 160.91 feet to a point on the <br /> South line of said Section 34 distant 1266.39 feet West ofthe Southeast corner of said Section 34 <br /> and there terminating. <br /> The side lines of said easements are prolonged or shortened to terminate on the boundary lines <br /> of the above described parcel of land. <br /> Also a 35-foot perpetual easement and a 100-foot temporary construction easement for sanitary <br /> sewer purposes over,under and across the following described property: <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />