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To: Kenzie M. Longren <> <br />Sunject: RE: Documents for recording: LA19-000046 <br />Kenzie <br />Good morning. Please see the attached, amended letter. In the process of trying to include all of the additional <br />easements etc for this project, I omitted an important step. <br />In conjunction with recording the City's Certification of Subdivision Exception authorizing the change in the property <br />boundaries please record new deeds for each of the 3 properties reflecting the new boundaries. The two <br />pieces together will realize the change in the boundaries for Hennepin County. <br />I apologize for leaving this step out of the letter. I couldn't recall if it was discussed earlier on in this process. If you have <br />questions please give me a call. <br />Melanie <br />Melanie Curtis <br />2952.249.4627 ®mcurtis( <br />All permitting is now done through our new online portal - LINK. <br />From: Melanie Curtis <br />Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 10:48 AM <br />To:'Kenzie M. Longren';'Mark Gronberg' <br />Cc: 'Scott richardson'; 'Charlie Simmons'; 'Anthon Ellis'; 'Charles G. Carpenter III'; 'John Kraemer' <br />Subject: Documents for recording: LA19-000046 <br />Kenzie <br />Please see the attached. The packet will be sent out in today's mail. <br />Thank you! <br />Melanie Curtis, Planner <br />Direct 952.249.4627 <br />Planning & Zoning Office 952.249.4620 <br />2750 Kelley Parkway, Orono, MN 55356 <br />Email: mcurtis(a) <br />Website: <br />All permitting is now done through our new online portal - LINK. <br />Summer Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:30a -5:00p & Fridays 7:30a -11:30a <br />