<br />r
<br />r .ter r = i PT 1 ON OF t7[tftht I SS SINY .►.
<br />Lots 5 and 6, Rearrangesne:nt of Or000 Point;
<br />Also: that part of Imes 9 and 10, Rearransamient of Orono ! b
<br />the accretions thereto lying Southerly and UsterlY of the f `
<br />Ing described line: CxAmencing at a point in they c >t r913:t
<br />Center Avenut 588.95 feet northerly from the Nort%fte'r
<br />of Lot 5, Rearrange %ent of Orono Point; thence ecrstiheriy
<br />said centerline a distance of 5 feet; thence vouttm"e a;
<br />tangential curve to the right with a radius of 221.17 f+�t a 4lfr-
<br />tartce of 169.38 feet: thence southwesterly tangent to said lafr
<br />f de ac it,ed rurvh ea distenee. of 5 feet; ttieneN a}rluthweste� ly
<br />tangential curve► to the right a radius of 445.'91 feet g diti
<br />T E R AV E N U E, of 119.25 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to $aid last -
<br />EN }°`'rl scribed rl�rve a distanrje of 107.3 feet: the -a vesteriY ssWtit�'t
<br />IN LOTS 5, 6, 9 & 10, AND VACATED BORDER AVENUE AND C `9 r~
<br />92
<br />1.3' � angle of 44 dFgre;•f•a 42 minutes to the right a distance of ?'8,3
<br />Tie. n � feet to the More of Lane MinneteriM. and theme termi.nsti�t-, 00), -
<br />AM. .
<br />REARRANGEMENT OF ORC1NCt PNT Wil° a�6 Jt to 8earder Avenue as apetserd by Drrit no. 2f393:
<br />Also that pftrt of vacated Center Avenue as said r�r !neem* 'sets
<br />N E N N E P 1 N C C) U N T Y, M 1 N N E S OTS► ,� � dedicated to the Public in Lh�r plat of R+:errex�gntne:�t of
<br />9 Paint, lying southerly of the westerly extension of the; northerly-
<br />�.Iid� o
<br />line of I.r�t 4, said Rearrangement of Orono Point and northerly `�f
<br />a. line drawee westtriy perz+indirular to the west line of said Lit 4�
<br />from a feint on said west. line distant 182.29 fret northerly f t rgrr
<br />the southwest corner ref ee,ie! Lot 4; also tYse�t p+xrt; of the ?r%
<br />half of vacated Ctntesr Avenues lying southerly of said above de-
<br />scribed peryendiculax line; and also that part of the westerly
<br />half of vacated renter Aveme lying northerly of the; westerly ex-
<br />✓f tension of the northerly iiC>C of said Lot 4 and lying southerly of
<br />�•°`' a line drawn easterly at richt angles to the westerly line of said
<br />vacated Center Avenue frrw tt* point of intersection of said wetst-
<br />��nof erly line with a line drawn 10 feet easterly of the followitcsg do- .
<br />j scribed line: Commencing at,a point in the centerline of said Cen•-
<br />�
<br />ter Avenue distant 588.55 feet northerly from the no
<br />rthwestarly
<br />corner of said Lot 5; thence sen)therly along said centerline a
<br />distance of 5 feet to the point. of beginning of then line t�i� 4e-
<br />-
<br />z scribed; thence. southwesterly along a tangential e;urve to �
<br />right with a radius of 221.x.7 feet a distance of 169.33 Petit, aanti
<br />said ling
<br />there ending.
<br />use -
<br />Also
<br />s That fart of vacated Border Avenue as laid out and dedicateQ t�esF .
<br />and across part of Lot P in said Rearrangement of Orono Point
<br />�, " ti _ _ - _�_ w,,, which 1 les between the +�•sterly lint of said Csnt•c:r Avenue and a
<br />line drawn drawn acrr.)ar Haid Border Avenue at right angles to the
<br />' w side lines of said Border Avenue from the point of intersection of
<br />i Fork , t q , ji the centerline of said Border Avenue with a line descrif�eci as fol-
<br />lows: Beginning at a point in the eetnterlifnne of said Canter kv-
<br />"r ^so ap enue distant 588.95 feet northerly of the northuost oorner of said
<br />_ Lot 5; thence southerly along the centerline of said Center Avesuae
<br />W'u a distance of 5 feet; theme southerly and southwesterly alone a
<br />tangential curve to the right with a radius of 221.17 feet a lis-
<br />s y tance of 169.38 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to last said
<br />curve a distance of 5 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangen--
<br />tial curve to the right With a radius of 445.72 feet a distance, of
<br />119.25 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to last said curve a-
<br />Zg cs distance of 107.30 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangential
<br />�v ' curve to the left with a radius of 56 feat a distance of 19.7
<br />�?'•' Y feet; thence southerly tangent to last said curve a distance of
<br />�o ?9 6.8 feet; thence southerly along a tangential curve to the left
<br />with a radius of 169.7 feet. a distance of 53.9 feet; •theetiete smtb-
<br />i ^• ,5 erly tangent to last described curve a distance of 20.5 feet;
<br />z�, MGr thence southerly on a tangential curve to the left with a rediva
<br />�;• o of 78.1 feet to its intersection with the centerline of said Bor--
<br />' % der Avernir. and said line there ending.
<br />13.1-9 � Decca _
<br />nr,f inclvd,n9 60rder A✓save @ 'r� -
<br />`y �2VotJ
<br />3.� / o � - - � _.NW lY GOYrI[r ./�9 � /�,•nn.a : A_f.i-nncc / y �-•
<br />f l •zg rkl q 15
<br />THIS 1,F
<br />�'`Y/?�P / t Ic RO w
<br />o -- �[ ' •' F46 ��C wr i
<br />' 5
<br />ftoz9F �� - A,0 saKA / v1
<br />�� �tiJT�� / 04�
<br />-� i• Prr .�` \ h The undersigned hereby certifies to .7amF is R. sonde and Mary Joann
<br />r
<br />_ o ���ejL (,s'ic71.- -� ,r a3 Junrlt. that. this survey shows the legal =jear_ription of the prop-
<br />c ry ` //' V e the size locstiorl rknd t.yie �f buildings, strut-
<br />c rtY;the area;
<br />g.00 Genf - ,- ',`- _ r , ' `�` ��� G�� ���� %f �" tures and major impravement.s on they propo%,r•tyt any visible en-
<br />�,�.•�Ve
<br />- -'-"---�- -- - - / � t � • /�(L � i � X11 croeachmente from ��r onto the >:-rc,f-et•ty; Yall visible eas:ealesits and
<br />i • - _� ,� M,^ \s 5 C. �•` '�r' and the rr� art. 's a t• a dedicated public
<br />'r- `+ a �,9 ` R Pe ,.r s (�Q r righte of Way; p ;` Y
<br />t z a� v� way;and that the eurvey is shade in ref~e' : rctance� with the "Minimum
<br />�� �#,>�r 2-� S 1'•Nw&� ; •' ��``q�q b Standard Detail Requiremente for Lanti Title Surveys for ALTA/ACSM
<br />it `� / .•`�' �Se �fc'elPhv C� OF ORONO �� 0 Land Title Surveys-, and meets the ac4'csracy requirements for a
<br />SIT P / G' id ti 1 as defined therein and
<br />`Q `r j ; 0"IC r -17t 4� � r _ V GRADING PLAN Class B survey for res en a proper y
<br />-r x pix'/yhf IdiAPPROVED - C -wt t u- GATO includes all items of Table 3 thereof Pxcept No. 6 tcontoure) No.
<br />i a o i 7 (eetbacke)N No. 8 (building square 1«•:tags), No. 12 (utilities),
<br />j and No. 14 (government agency requirewtnts) . Also, item No. 9 in'
<br />` ' !�9�, •. 3s��9 ❑ DISAPP 3clodea only ma3or visible improv
<br />emrnte
<br />BY
<br />tA AAP-,a—
<br />co -Zs -1+1
<br />Mark S Gronberg, Land Surveyor and Enrsnoer
<br />T i X a
<br />Minnesota License Number 12755
<br />�AP"proXima�, locaflPn o , ,
<br />1 X
<br />/ vort�e v ff LI e PEr rCi O d
<br />Pfio si7nw vcie tMt�rrna ron h
<br />p \ orGvrarely • �' h10,
<br />0 iron marker 6-
<br />r • Iron marker found
<br />- - -
<br />�� Bearings shown are based upon an assumeddatum.
<br />19
<br />z s
<br />l
<br />-
<br />iCr-vrE i -'Fc i F c ,/ �,a'` � • n„ r.' �i`. F I herebl` 'rtifv that this survey was prepared by alt• or under my direct ,,uper-
<br />r' °r'`'''`°'' ``"'' 9 i° .-a �`' - vision, aid that I am a duly registered Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor under
<br />the law•-(pf the State of Minnesota. r�
<br />I
<br />Mark S. ronberQ Minnesota License Nu r 12755
<br />50 0 50 /00
<br />►�Ca le
<br />,GRON NC1
<br />Site t'lanifees FOR JAMES R. AND MARY JOANN
<br />SCALE
<br />141=50,
<br />SHEET NO.
<br />4/30/99
<br />DATE
<br />c'. -26-92
<br />JOB NO.
<br />9/-471
<br />