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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> y� G; NO. 7020 <br /> tgkESHO�� <br /> a vote of 6-0 recommended that the 2040 Community Management Plan be amended to <br /> expand the MUSA boundary to incorporate the parcels identified above; and <br /> WHEREAS, the subject property, with a guided land use of Park, <br /> Recreational, and Open Space, will have no impact on Metropolitan Council's density <br /> calculations for the City of Orono; and <br /> WHEREAS, it is anticipated based on calculations by City that this property <br /> can be added to the MUSA through a Metropolitan Council administratively-approved <br /> amendment to the CMP. The amendment should be considered as exempt from the 60-day <br /> comment period by adjacent jurisdictions because it is less than 40 acres in area, it does not <br /> change any Metropolitan Growth Forecasts. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orono City Council <br /> conditionally approves an amendment of the 2040 Community Management Plan to expand <br /> the MUSA boundary to incorporate the above listed 8 parcels,subject to Metropolitan Council <br /> review and approval, and directs City staff to prepare such an amendment and submit it to the <br /> Metropolitan Council for review and approval. <br /> Adopted by the City Council of Orono, Minnesota this 23rd day of September, 2019. <br /> ATTEST: <br /> &JS7—= Dennis Walsh, Mayor <br /> Anna Carlson, City Clerk <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />