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�ONp CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> •S NO. <br /> 6994 <br /> 4'(kSHOR� <br /> WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on February 11, 2019, the Orono City Council <br /> granted approval for the Preliminary Plat per the findings and conditions of Resolution No. 6941; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, on April 22, 2019, the Developer submitted a revised application for <br /> final plat approval for the Property; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Developer has agreed to comply with all conditions of Resolution <br /> No. 6941 and has completed or has agreed to complete all other requirements of the platting <br /> regulations of the City. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, based upon the findings of Resolution <br /> No. 6941, the Orono City Council and the City of Orono does hereby approve the plat of ORONO <br /> ORCHARD HILL, Hennepin County, Minnesota (a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A), subject <br /> to the following conditions: <br /> 1) Development within ORONO ORCHARD HILL is subject to the Conclusions, Orders and <br /> Conditions enumerated within Preliminary Plat Resolution No 6941, and subject to the <br /> provisions of the Development Contract for ORONO ORCHARD HILL dated June 24, 2019. <br /> 2) Dedication on the plat of the perimeter Drainage and Utility Easements as required in <br /> Resolution 6941. <br /> 3) Executed Driveway Easement and Maintenance Agreements. <br /> 4) The approvals granted in this Resolution shall become effective only when all conditions of <br /> approval requiring actions by the Developer have been satisfied. <br /> 5) Building height determination for Lot 2 shall be determined by the proposed grades as shown <br /> on the ORONO ORCHARD HILL Grading Plan dated 07/25/18. The grading plan as approved <br /> establishes new existing grades for the building pad. <br /> 6) The Developer shall provide an executed maintenance agreement meeting the MCWD's <br /> requirements to outline responsibility for all future maintenance activities related to the <br /> stormwater facilities and the Conservation Plan. <br /> 7) Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) approved permits for the grading, stormwater <br /> management facilities, storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and erosion control <br /> plan shall be submitted. <br /> 2 <br />