� �. - � �fM 'S � T � M Fi.,
<br /> L�wqi � .y . ".' ��_�. �.� . � . ... . i� .....,.. . 1.. � ^.. .� ..� `y ^ . i^���y.71" $ 'i r'S. •+'.�l„
<br /> zn. rx� Y�yr a . . .. . ,. _. . . ..�.r� .z� . �r r.-wv ' ?um3v:..t�:`:�..
<br /> ?�..+..�����5�- - Y� �v..� � _-- . I�.��.'.���+�� :'wiii'��S�i�l/�"' ir . Y�+ .�Y� �... .� � .���.' �
<br /> � .� .� � �'� �-----s�LAi�E-OF!- ORO�O�;�PT.28,1961 y _Tz,�-, 1 �;�k.
<br /> �- E ;-�, �-.�
<br /> � _.�-�.s..3.. �._ - • - . � . �� '�u ;C'�:i�
<br /> � 5���.. .✓'LL .1. � f . ' • . ' , • i . � ' , . . •i . , '�f�"}� — f _ •
<br /> ���^ . � � _� . . _ .. _ . .. "' ' . i - ' . .—. o._-�.. ._�w.. . ��y' t 1 �Y�
<br /> �-°-�= Presii�ts� D.�J.Ruaaell,Ch.,L.C.Dn�idaoa,Wm.A.Curry,W.w.Woltei " '
<br /> ,��,.;-�
<br /> ' . .. � R:L.3�arles,H.M.Boldon, Wm.T.Milla'and S.B.Belt. Y �'�� �� ���,�
<br /> a s�
<br /> ..� _ . . t . ._ .� . . .'..: . . � .., �....__.. ,� ..� .,• � �. ,.�... - • �''� t ,n:,-rt#,'�'-
<br /> _ Th� aatt�r ot a replacement f or ex-member Henr� Kiag�pan,Jr. � ---r ��
<br /> �• ' :�. xas disonaaed.3ince geographical repr�aentation is ,preferr�d,,�:�, � _ � ��:� �
<br /> ,.,,o � �R,. .. . � - ��
<br /> -�-.it� tra�: 'saggeax�d that the �new member,preferabl� a xonaa�bi �,�.i` �,�4 � �,�
<br /> � ._:_ ohos�a trca Hr. �Eingman�e localit�. The Coamiaaion �till tak� . - � r r'� �
<br /> � �� . .. .'ttie �natt�r und�r rurther advi sement. � = !� g
<br /> - . .. . . �' ��
<br /> ' _ ., . ��-- �.
<br /> - . - - . � �
<br /> .. . . _
<br /> : Th� ooa�oitt�e�sade u.p ot Da�ideon and i�lolfe,Qiexing the pro '-� �. �. �- :y
<br /> . �'�. � ertT o! A.a.Rouaain tLots 6-?-8-9,B1k.4 and 5-6-7-8-q,Bllc. ,���✓� ;_k� �����
<br /> - � - � : Cr�s�tal Ba� Yier) recoa�ended s mazimum of four (1}) buildi ' `° �" :_
<br /> ng _.:�:�:'y:. �:� ;��� -
<br /> • � - � ��ites. Z°tie r�aommnendation wa� accepted,tentativel�,' �ith the �� 'v` `'- '�� -�
<br /> " ad�ic� that •aor� de�tailed plans be� aubmitted,eapecially. ae to �; �� .
<br /> . ' . msaa� ot aaa�aa to .lots 8 and 9,Bllc.4. . . , _ ��
<br /> � � ���'h� r�cjusst or Roger. M.B�Both Por recommendationa concerning - '''
<br /> .::_ . � Lo�s, .13-1l�-1�16-17,gec.7,T 117, a 23,xaa diacuaa�d. Mills " _ '�
<br /> �so��d�Curr� •ectonded,tE�at one ( l� building permit be reccoa� . .
<br /> dea. Kotion oarried. . , .'.
<br /> '. /i'P��d Wolt xae preaent requeaLing reco�nendntiona' on di�iaion of -�'
<br /> ; lott�or portions of lot.�,79 to 89 iaclumive;Tonkavi�x aardeam.: ��
<br /> � '� The�.propertT had beea pieWeQ by Ruseel�l,Rice .dnd Curr� �iho rs- � .•� :
<br /> � � � ported thet,�hi2e under mn acr�,tt�e . lota correaponded in sise . � �� ,
<br /> � � to �thoae enrraunding and the di'iaion plans represented good � :
<br /> leuad tt�ag• in 'ieM .of the unuaual topography.Davidaon mooed, F �
<br /> . � ` Wolt°• aecondec�,adoption of the �oimnittee� a report. Carried. • ;�
<br /> � . � • ' � .,I ..
<br /> � Th� aatt�r of a •TiZlage park xaa diacussed and L.C.Da�ideon ��
<br /> �. r�vi�x�d 'thti paat actfona of the Park Com�iaeion..� � . . �- � .
<br /> ;
<br /> � . . • w�q.T.Mills was aakod for a report on sexa�e problema. He out= ��
<br /> � . linsd th� propoaal to �oin �rith Mound and nlso reported the ;
<br /> - � reenita of hi.s discuasione rith Long 'Lake. It wae agreed that �
<br /> � � a aa�■�itt�s ot' 'the Planning Coaaniaaion atte�d the aeat meeting �
<br /> � ot the .Lorig I,��� .Council,Oct.3rd,to diacuaa the mmttor. • ':
<br /> . . . . •�
<br /> � Th�r�.•boing no rurttier buqineas, the meeting xda Qd�ourned. ;�
<br /> . , . � _�
<br /> . . _ . • • . . �. . - 4.�j"�= .
<br /> . . ' . . . . • . . . . . . -� ,
<br /> • � � ' � � . - . . . . . Y t
<br /> � � , . � . . 3.B.Belt�Seo• . . N. � ._ 1 .
<br /> - . , .' . . � . ' � � :i �
<br /> . _ _ . . • .. • • si -
<br /> __ . ._. _. _ . . . . . _. . ;
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