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X1.2"TES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COITIfISSION <br />VX71 WE OF ORONO. SEPTEMBER 3.$,1967 <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman D.J.Russell at 705 P.M. <br />Members present were m?: Tm .A. Curry, H.S.Rice,R.F.Dongoske & T•1m.H.Nidho31s. <br />Absent s[Jm.K ,Bartig. <br />The Chair announced that this was the time and place for opening a PUBLIC <br />P'ablic Hear`.ng on tho request of Robert Winton for a divi:,3on of HEARING <br />property a,; advertisc-d in the official newspaper,Minnetonka Herald. WTNTON DIV, <br />S:! nc,) no wao appearikl,the Hearing was declared closed. <br />rt. Tats r,!avexl by Curry, seconded by Rice,that prelirdnary approval be <br />a ew-rma coded. for the proposed division of one acre from 29.09 acres wib"TON <br />orated by Mr„ ivinLon,,?40 Brown Road 11orth,contingent on revision of DIVISION <br />plat so as 4o add 37p it. to bring it to a frill acre. 5 Ayes,O Nays. <br />'ho request of DUug�'.as John. -on for information re buildability on <br />lot 8,Blk.6 awl iot 9,133k,,7 was discussed.. The vie --Ang conmittee JOHNSON <br />sited probIrrds the layout for sm-Tagre disposal,the site BUILDING <br />of the proposed liouso aril access to same. Curry moved,Fon oske see- PERMW <br />orRcllint;,that no further ad-Asoi7 action be taken until Mr.Johnson <br />subnits a plat shotr'Lng location of the structure, access to it and <br />feaa.sibj.U. ,ty of propar soma,ge disvosail. Passed:5 Ayes,ONays. <br />The v3.mdng committee reported cn the garage Variance request of <br />Rj,annia Cragg. Access to the proposed garage appears to be over CRAGG <br />a vacated pad across several lots,and there may be some question GARAGE <br />as to continuing rijd is to use it. A proposed wall and VARIANCE <br />, ?os:1ble drainage problen should be checked by the I)illage Engi- <br />neer. The request was tabled pending appearance of Mr,Crat g to <br />ft2�ther explain t•>d.s plans and discuss possible alternatives. <br />Th:D d:_eYa3 ng ooiwIttee reporiaod favorably on the request of Clifford <br />Skoog for a garage Setback Variance at # 2216 ShadSt:ood Road. SKOOG GARAGE <br />Ci. ex—y zw-, ed 3 -,i.ce seconding, that approval be recommendcd. Passed: VARI0. CE <br />5 Ayes, 0 ? y s. <br />Th,a rcquest of Robb::,3 Dol.lazi- for a possible Building Perin'.it for <br />Pa-- ; -ccl 2630,Sect,;7, Lot j10,0,17oxth Shore Drive West was discussed. DOLLAR <br />Tho lot is :.84 acres locata l in as one acre zone.A:n adjoin-ing lot is BUI;LDII,.: <br />. ,:) acres. 2,rcel #20"30 is pot in s.-Ingle saparate ©tanersbip, but PER.9ZT <br />Dart of Mr,l allaal °$ a, property ,,itch inclydes Parcel 2640 as <br />well. There appears ',z be a conflict in as much as this involves a <br />Division of property rather than a request. for a Building Permit. <br /> of tae request, is recommended pending further information. <br />Thane being ro f-urt',or bi:•.siness,the meeting was ad journcd at 8 :415 P.M. <br />S. B. Belt9Secly. <br />