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CMP Part 1. Introduction <br /> <br /> <br /> City of Orono Community Management Plan 2020-2040 Part 1, Page 5 <br /> <br /> <br />urgency to curtail "Urban Sprawl" by making more efficient use of the remaining undeveloped land within <br />the 7-county Metro area. Yet Orono has an obligation to its residents, both those who live on the Lake and <br />those who reside in the rural area, to preserve these two complementary lifestyles. Orono accepts its <br />obligation to the citizens of Minnesota who treasure Lake Minnetonka as a unique and valuable natural <br />resource and who expect it to remain in a usable condition. Orono's ongoing plan to preserve the watershed <br />of Lake Minnetonka is sound, environmentally correct, and in step with regional planning for metropolitan <br />needs. <br /> <br />COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ORGANIZATION <br /> <br />This document has been divided into six parts in order to make it more readable and understandable to <br />citizens and other interested parties: <br /> <br />Part 1 forms a brief introduction and overview of planning concerns. <br /> <br />Part 2 provides a foundation for Orono's plan - the history, community philosophy and general goals and <br />policies that have shaped and will continue to guide Orono's planning strategy. <br /> <br />Part 3 encompasses Orono's Land Use Plan, defining how Orono will develop in the coming two decades, <br />and defining Orono's housing and environmental protection programs. <br /> <br />Part 4 contains detailed plans for how Orono will provide a balanced and appropriate level of public <br />facilities and services, addressing transportation systems, sewer and water facilities, parks and open <br />spaces, and the broad range of community services such as public safety, education, private utility and <br />communications systems. <br /> <br />Part 5 contains a brief description of ordinances and programs for implementation of the Plan, and <br />expresses the City's commitment to coordination of services and programs with surrounding <br />municipalities as well as other governmental agencies. <br /> <br />