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0 <br /> 0 0 <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> �� G~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> SII04� NO. 5 68 1 <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing <br /> held on September 17, 2007 and recommended approval of hardcover <br /> variances based on the following findings: <br /> a. The Property is 1.07 acres in size when 1.0 acres is required. <br /> b. The Property has a lot width of 427± feet at Tonkawa Road and has <br /> over 300 lineal feet along the shoreline. <br /> c. Due to the configuration of the lot, the wetland buffer and buffer <br /> setback, and the shoreline of the Property, the home must be <br /> constructed in the far north portion of the lot to meet setbacks. <br /> d. The Applicants' proposal meets the 30' height limitation. <br /> e. Because of sight visibility problems on Tonkawa Road, and in order to <br /> maintain the private, wooded nature of the lot, a "switch back" <br /> driveway has been proposed and will be necessary to safely exit the <br /> drive. <br /> f. The Applicants have proposed to utilize downspouts, gutters and rain <br /> gardens to manage their storm water on the site. <br /> 4. The City Council has considered this application including the findings <br /> and recommendation of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, <br /> continents by the Applicants and the public, and the effect of the proposed <br /> variance on the health, safety and welfare of the community. <br /> 5. The City Council finds that the conditions existing on this Property are <br /> peculiar to it and do not apply generally to other Property in this zoning <br /> district; that granting the variances would not adversely affect traffic <br /> conditions, light, air nor pose a fire hazard or other danger to neighboring <br /> Property; would not merely serve as a convenience to the Applicants, but <br /> is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary <br /> to preserve a substantial Property right of the Applicants; and would be in <br /> keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive <br /> Plan of the City. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />