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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> No. 6 9 6 2 <br /> tgkES H 0 <br /> 3. The Property is zoned LR-1C Single Family Lakeshore Residential District, which <br /> requires a minimum lot area of 0.5 acres and minimum lot width of 100'. The Property <br /> contains a total area of approximately 109,109 s.f. or 2.50 acres and has a width of 140 <br /> feet along Shadywood Road(County Road 19). <br /> 4. The proposed plat would create a front lot (Lot 2) of 0.75 acres in area and 110 feet in <br /> width along Shadywood Road; and a back lot (Lot 1) of 1.55 acres in area, meeting the <br /> 0.75 acre minimum for a back lot in the LR-1C district, and with a defined width of 140 <br /> feet. <br /> 5. Access to both new lots will be via a single shared driveway Outlot being 30 feet in width <br /> extending westward from Shadywood Road along the southerly boundary of the property. <br /> 6. The property lies within 1,000' of Lake Minnetonka requiring conformance with the <br /> hardcover regulations of the Stormwater Quality Overlay District. The entire property is <br /> within Hardcover Tier 2 allowing 30% impervious surface. <br /> 7. A trail easement is proposed along the east side of Lot 2. Because dedication of actual <br /> land for park purposes is not required at this location, a Park Dedication Fee in lieu of <br /> land per City Ordinance would be appropriate. <br /> 8. Hennepin County has requested an additional 17 feet of right-of-way for County Road <br /> 19 for potential future road and trail purposes. The City per its standard practices will <br /> only require the dedication of a 10' trail easement along the easterly boundary of Lot 2 <br /> and Outlot A as noted above. <br /> 9. Both proposed lots will contain suitable area meeting all established setback, hardcover <br /> and lot coverage requirements to allow the construction of single family residences <br /> without the need for variances <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon one or more of the <br /> findings noted above, the City Council of the City of Orono hereby grants Preliminary Plat <br /> Approval for a 2-lot plat per the Preliminary Plat survey/drawing by Mark S. Gronberg of <br /> Gronberg&Associates, Inc. dated February 18,2019 and attached hereto as Exhibit A, subject to <br /> the following conditions: <br /> 1) Lot Standards. Structure setbacks shall adhere to the requirements of the Zoning Code for <br /> front/back lot division. <br /> 2) Driveway Access.Driveway access to Lots 1 and 2 shall be a shared driveway within Outlot <br /> A. All other curb cuts or access points onto the adjacent County Road shall be removed. <br /> The Developer shall establish the appropriate shared driveway easements and maintenance <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />