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���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ti�, G� No. 6 9 6 0 <br /> ��kFSH��� <br /> meetings, and any and all other materials distributed at these meetings are hereby incorporated by <br /> reference. <br /> 2. The Property is located in the B-5 Zoning District. <br /> 3. The Property contains 0.68 acres in area and has a defined lot width of 150 feet. <br /> 4. The Property is within Tier 3 and hardcover is limited to 35%according to the Stormwater Quality <br /> Overlay District. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> Before ganting approval of the site plan review,the City Council shall determine that the proposal: <br /> 1) Is compatible with surrounding land uses; the use is an appropriate use in the B-5 zoning district, <br /> and the design of the building lends itself to the proposed use. <br /> 2) Preserves existing unique and natural features of the site and minimizes impacts to wetlands, <br /> floodplains,and shoreland areas;the proposed changes to the building elevations do not alter these <br /> characteristics. <br /> 3) Creates harmonious relationship of buildings and open space with natural site features and <br /> with e�cisting and future buildings having a visual relationship of the development; The coordinated <br /> building colors creates a harmonious development. <br /> 4) Achieves a safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system; Vehicutar and <br /> pedestrian traffic is logically separated. <br /> 5) Places no excessive demands on services and infrastructure, including local streets; Not <br /> anticipated. <br /> 6) Conforms to the city's plans for parks,streets,and walkways; no change to these features. <br /> 7) Conforms to the Orono Community Management Plan; the change in use remains <br /> commercial,consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 8) Achieves a m�imum of safety and convenience of vehicular and pedestrian movement; no <br /> conflicts anticipated. <br /> 9) Incorporates sufficient landscaping to reasonably screen undesirable features and to enhance <br /> the image of the development; the retention of the landscaping areas provides sufficient <br /> screening. <br /> 10) Protects abutting properties and does not create detrimental disturbances to surrounding <br /> properties;the separation of the building and the play areas as well as the fencing areas provides <br /> sufficient protection. <br /> 11) Conforms to all requirements of this chapter unless a variance has been granted. <br /> 2 <br />