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1 <br /> �O _ I <br /> O O <br /> � � <br /> C ITY of ORONO <br /> ti <br /> ti <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��`�.k o4'�'G � NO. 5 7 5 3 <br /> ESI'i <br /> 6. The proposed lots will be served with septic systems and private wells. Primary <br /> and alternate septic sites meeting all pertinent standards have been identified for <br /> all lots. <br /> 7. Access will be from Christine Drive, an existing private road. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based on the findings noted <br /> above, the City Council of the City of Orono hereby approves the preliminary plat <br /> application of per preliminary plat drawings by Mark Gronberg dated March 14, 2008, <br /> subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. The Owners shall grant to the City 10 foot drainage and utility easements along <br /> perimeter property boundaries and 5 foot drainage and utility easements along all <br /> interior property boundaries. <br /> 2. Owners shall grant a drainage easement to allow the overflow from the wetland <br /> on the property to the north to reach the existing culvert under Christine Drive. <br /> 3. The Owners shall execute a Flowage and Conservation Easement and Restrictive <br /> Covenant for Wetland Buffer if any of the 50 foot buffer from the wetland on the <br /> adjacent property falls within the Property. <br /> 4. Payment of the standard park dedication fee for Lots 2, 3, and 4. <br /> 5. Payment of standard storm water and drainage trunk fee for the entire plat. <br /> 6. Notwithstanding the requirement that private road cul-de-sacs serving seven or <br /> more lots be 28 feet wide, the existing 25 foot wide roadway of Christine Drive <br /> does not have to be widened at this time. Neither does the bituminous curb have <br /> to be replaced with concrete curb. <br /> 7. The Owners and Applicant are hereby advised that preliminary subdivision <br /> approval will expire on June 23, 2009, one year from the date of City Council <br /> approval. Should the Owners or Applicant fail to complete the filing of the final <br /> plat application within the year deadline, it shall be necessary for the Owners or <br /> Applicant to file a new preliminary subdivision application with the City. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />