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� � � Cit� o� ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> � NO. 2048 <br /> ^, . ' :� ��� ��E�I <br /> . - . . ��`� '' `��s. <br /> ����������d <br /> B) �The proposed house location maintains at least a 60' <br /> separation distance to the nearest adjacent residence, <br /> which is the minimal residential side yard separation <br /> distance allowed in the RR-1B zone. The orientation of <br /> the house is such that the windowless north wall will <br /> face the neighboring property to the north, affording <br /> both applicant and neighbor a greater degree of <br /> privacy. <br /> C) Topography and existing low lands on the property, <br /> and the necessity of providing a septic system on the <br /> property, are factors that make the proposed house <br /> locations and orientation the most feasible for this <br /> property. <br /> 4. The City Council has considered this application <br /> including the findings and recommendations of the Planning <br /> Commission, reports by City staff, comments by the applicant <br /> and the effect of the proposed variance on the health, <br /> safety and welfare of the community. <br /> 5. The City Council finds that the conditions existing on <br /> this property are pecuYiar to it and do not apply generally <br /> to other property in this zoning district; that granting the <br /> variance would not adversely affect traffic conditions, <br /> light , air nor pose a fire hazard or other danger to <br /> neiqhboring property; would not merely serve as a <br /> convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate <br /> a demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to pre- <br /> serve a substantial property right of the applicant; and <br /> would be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning <br /> Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br /> CONCLOSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon the above f indings , the Orono City Counci 1 <br /> hereby grants a variance to the Municipal Zoning Code Section <br /> 10.28 , Subdivision 5 (B) to permit the construction of a single <br /> family residence in a location 37.3 feet from the front lot line <br /> and 33.9 feet from the rear lot Iine, subject to the following <br /> conditions: <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />