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���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� ,� No. 6959 . <br /> G <br /> r�'FESH��� <br /> A RESOLUTION <br /> GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br /> FOR A CLASS II RESTAURANT THAT INCLUDES <br /> LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND A BAR AMENDING AND RESTATING <br /> PREVIOUSLY ISSUED CONDITIONS <br /> PER MUNICIPAL ZONING CODE SECTION 78-644(4) <br /> FILE NO.LA18-000104 <br /> WHEREAS, Narrows LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, represented by Gary <br /> Anderst,single(hereinafter the"applicant")is the owner of the properly located at 3382-3386 Shoreline Drive <br /> within the City of Orono(hereinafter"City")and legally described as follows: <br /> That part of Lot 5, Block 3, Townsite of Langdon Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota <br /> described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 5;thence on an assumed bearing of North along <br /> the West line of said Lot a distance of 105.50 feet; thence along a line bearing North 74 degrees 24 <br /> minutes East to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 112.00 feet East of the West <br /> line of said Lot 5; thence South along said parallel line to the South line of said Lot 5;thence West <br /> along said South line to the point of beginning. <br /> (hereinafter the"Property"); <br /> WHEREAS, the Applicant represents Orono Liquors which currently operates the <br /> Narrows Saloon, a Class II Restaurant which has,to date, operated in the easterly 60 feet of the principal <br /> building per a Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council via Resolution 4530 adopted on October <br /> 9,2000; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orono Liquors has also been developing a separate restaurant space in the <br /> western 40 feet of the principal building, now known as The Lake Room, a Class II restaurant authorized <br /> by City Council resolution 6353, on December 9,2013. <br /> WHEREAS,the City amended resolution 6353 to reflect changes to the vestibule design <br /> and door configuration on October 27,2014 via resolution 6457. <br /> WHEREAS, the City supported modifications to the dumpster enclosure location at a <br /> meeting on August 27,2018. The City Council supported the applicants request to install a 3 bay dumpster <br /> enclosure to the north side of the current city parking, design consistent with original approval(Resolution <br /> 6353),with one bay reserved for City use. <br /> 1 <br />