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Bracketts Point Rd
1400 Bracketts Point Rd - PID: 11-117-23-32-0025
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Last modified
8/22/2023 3:30:03 PM
Creation date
2/19/2019 12:03:20 PM
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Bracketts Point
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1400 Bracketts Point Road
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°moo CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF <br /> HF f IrJTY COUNCIL <br /> NO. O <br /> ..k>;s H <br /> Exhibit A <br /> Lots 5 and 6,Rearrangement of Orono Point; <br /> Also,that part of Lots 9 and 10,Rearrangement of Orono Point and the accretions thereto lying Southerly <br /> and Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point in the centerline of Center Avenue <br /> 588.95 feet northerly from the Northwesterly corner of Lot 5,Rearrangement of Orono Point;thence <br /> southerly along said centerline a distance of 5 feet;thence southwesterly on a tangential curve to the right <br /> with a radius of 221.17 feet a distance of 169.38 feet;thence southwesterly tangent to said last described <br /> curve a distance of 5 feet;thence southwesterly on a tangential curve to the right a radius of 445.72 feet a <br /> distance of 119.25 feet,thence southwesterly tangent to said last described curve a distance of 107.3 feet; <br /> thence westerly making an angle of 44 degrees 42 minutes to the right a distance of 79.3 feet to the shore of <br /> Lake Minnetonka and there terminating; subject to Boarder Avenue as opened by Document No.2092886, <br /> Hennepin County,Minnesota. <br /> Also,that part of vacated Center Avenue as said Center Avenue was dedicated to the public in the plat of <br /> Rearrangement of Orono Point,lying southerly of the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lot 4, said <br /> Rearrangement of Orono Point and northerly of a line drawn westerly perpendicular to the west line of said <br /> Lot 4 from a point on said west line distant 182.29 feet northerly from the southwest corner of said Lot 4; <br /> also that part of the westerly half of vacated Center Avenue lying southerly of said above described <br /> perpendicular line; and also that part of the westerly half of vacated Center Avenue lying northerly ofthe <br /> westerly extension of the northerly line of said Lot 4 and lying southerly of a line drawn easterly at right <br /> angles to the westerly line of said vacated Center Avenue from the point of intersection of said westerly line <br /> with a line drawn 10 feet easterly of the following described line; Commencing at a point in the centerline of <br /> said Center Avenue distant 588.95 feet northerly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5; thence <br /> southerly along said centerline a distance of 5 feet to the point of beginning of the line being described; <br /> thence southwesterly along a tangential curve to the right with a radius of 221.17 feet a distance of 169.38 <br /> feet, and said line there ending,Hennepin County,Minnesota. <br /> Also,that part of vacated Boarder Avenue as laid out and dedicated over and across part of Lot 9 in said <br /> Rearrangement of Orono Point which lies between the westerly line of said Center Avenue and a line drawn <br /> across said Border Avenue at right angles to the side lines of said Border Avenue from the point of <br /> intersection of the centerline of said Border Avenue with a line described as follows: Beginning at a point in <br /> the centerline of said Center Avenue distant 588,95 feet northerly of the northwest corner of said Lot 5; <br /> thence southerly along the centerline of said Center Avenue a distance of 5 feet;thence southerly and <br /> southwesterly along a tangential curve to the right with a radius of 221.17 feet a distance of 169.38 feet; <br /> thence southwesterly tangent to last said curve a distance of 5 feet;thence southwesterly along atangential <br /> curve to the right with a radius of445.72 feet a distance of 119.25 feet;thence southwesterly tangent to last <br /> said curve a distance of 107.30 feet;thence southwesterly along a tangential curve to the left with a radius of <br /> 56 feet a distance of 19.7 feet;thence southerly tangent to last said curve a distance of 6.8 feet;thence <br /> southerly along a tangential curve to the left with a radius of 169.7 feet a distance of 53.9 feet;thence <br /> southerly tangent to last described curve a distance of 20.5 feet;thence southerly on a tangential curve to the <br /> left with a radius of 78.1 feet to its intersection with the centerline of said Border Avenue, and said line there <br /> ending,Hennepin County,Minnesota. <br /> Page 4 of 4 <br />
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