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s°No CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> y� �, NO. 6 8 ? 5 <br /> ikEsti044 <br /> Letter of Credit and escrow to ensure that all site improvements are installed and <br /> maintained to the City's specifications and satisfaction, and to establish conditions for <br /> future development of the site. <br /> 6. Payment of development fees as follows: <br /> a. Park Dedication Fee: $16,650.00* <br /> b. Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee: $24,180.00* <br /> d. Final Plat Application Fee: $500.00 <br /> *These fees are based on a 4 lot subdivision;the fees identified in Resolution 6835 <br /> were based on a five lot subdivision. <br /> WHEREAS,City staff and consultants have reviewed the plans for this subdivision <br /> and hereby specify approval of each plan and identify them as part of the official record for <br /> SOUTHWAYS: <br /> Plat of SOUTHWAYS <br /> Sheet 1: Title Sheet(dated 4-16-18) <br /> Sheet 2: Demolition Plan(dated 4-16-18) <br /> Sheet 3: Grading,Drainage, Erosion Control (dated 4-16-18) <br /> Sheet 4: Road Plan&Profile, Sanitary Sewer Plan&Profile (dated 4-16-18) <br /> Sheet 5: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(dated 4-16-18) <br /> Sheet 6: Detail Sheet(dated 4-16-18) <br /> Sheet 7: Detail Sheet(dated 4-16-18) <br /> All of the above noted plans are subject to any additional requirements of the Minnehaha Creek <br /> Watershed District and subject to any additional requirements and conditions specified by the City <br /> Engineer. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on the findings of <br /> Resolution No. 6835, the City Council of the City of Orono does hereby approve the plat of <br /> SOUTHWAYS, Hennepin County, Minnesota(a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B)subject <br /> to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Development within SOUTHWAYS is subject to the Conclusions, Orders and Conditions <br /> enumerated within Preliminary Plat Resolution No 6835, and subject to the provisions of <br /> the Development Contract for SOUTHWAYS dated May 29, 2018. <br /> 2. The City Council hereby approves the vacation of Brackens Point Road as specified within <br /> Resolution No. 6836. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />