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���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��, G�� No. 6 9 4 1 <br /> `�kESHO�� <br /> 3) Development shall adhere to the proposed Anderson Engineering Conservation Design <br /> Report. <br /> 4) Erosion control shall adhere to "Best Management Practices for Protecting Water Quality in <br /> Urban Areas" and to the approved SWPPP. All erosion controls as required by the City and <br /> the MCWD shall be in place prior to commencing grading and excavation on the site. All such <br /> erosion control measures shall be maintained in working order until the site is vegetated and <br /> stabilized. <br /> 5) The Developer shall provide a maintenance agreement meeting the MCWD's requirements to <br /> outline responsibility for all future maintenance activities related to the stormwater facilities <br /> and the Conservation Plan. <br /> 6) Existing grade for "Parcel B" building height determination shall be the proposed grades as <br /> shown on the Grading and Site Plan dated 12/07/18. The final grading plan as approved will <br /> establish new existing grades for building pads. <br /> 7) The construction limits shall be clearly marked with adequate fencing to prevent any <br /> construction damage or disturbance of any trees and vegetation outside of the construction <br /> limits area. Developer shall identify trees to be preserved on site, shall mark them on a site <br /> plan, and shall take extraordinary measures such as fencing, signage, etc. to ensure they are <br /> not disturbed. <br /> 8) This approval is based upon the known issues that may affect this project, but this approval <br /> does not limit the City from revising or amending these conditions as the review process <br /> continues. <br /> 9) Upon evidence of resettlement history, the Developer shall cease all activity and contact the <br /> City and the State Historical Preservation Office prior to proceeding. <br /> 10)Violation of or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this resolution may <br /> result in the termination of any authority granted herein. <br /> 11)Easements Required. <br /> a. Drainage and Utility Easements shall be dedicated to the public on the final plat <br /> 10' along all exterior property lines, and 5' either side of interior property lines, <br /> except such easements shall be increased to accommodate drainage where <br /> required, subject to City staff approval. <br /> b. A Drainage and Utility easement shall be dedicated to the public on the plat over <br /> the storm water pond area and storm water facilities. <br /> 4 <br />