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g'��p CITY OF ORQNO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> y�, G,�' No. 6 9 4 1 <br /> ��kESH��� <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT: <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #LA18-000062. The analysis contained <br /> within staff memos and the exhibits attached to the aforesaid memos, all minutes from the <br /> above mentioned meetings, and any and all other materials distributed at these meetings <br /> are hereby incorporated by reference. <br /> 2. The Property is guided for Low Density Residential in the 2030 Community Management <br /> Plan. <br /> 3. The Property is located in the RR-1 B One Family Rural Residential Zoning District. The <br /> proposed lots meet the dimensional standards and setbacks established for the RR-1 B <br /> district. <br /> 4. The Property is proposed to be served via a private shared driveway accessing Orono <br /> Orchard Road South at the northern point of"Parcel A" on the grading plan attached as <br /> Exhibit B and meeting up with the existing drive serving the home. The driveway will be <br /> expanded to serve "Parcel B" and an access easement should be established for each of <br /> proposed lots; a maintenance agreement for the private driveway should also be provided <br /> by the developer. According to Orono Code, a maximum of finro lots can be served via a <br /> private driveway. <br /> 5. The Conservation Design Report by Anderson Engineering dated 06/21/18 provides an <br /> overview of the natural site characteristics. The plan outlines the Developer's intent to <br /> protect significant tree stands; and removal of invasive and diseased trees will be done on <br /> an as-needed basis.The goal of the development's design and grading plan is to minimize <br /> tree removal and clearing. <br /> 6. The Developer has prepared grading plans to manage stormwater on site without <br /> negatively impacting adjacent parcels.The developer shall coordinate with the Minnehaha <br /> Creek Watershed District (hereinafter the "MCWD") and provide confirmation regarding <br /> the permits or approvals they will require for this subdivision. <br /> According to the Applicant's Anderson Engineering report, conservation easements shall <br /> be established which will protect the wetland buffer areas as required by the MCWD. <br /> Additionally, according to the report, there were to be stormwater infiltration basins <br /> installed, following MCWD approval of a stormwater plan, the grading plan should be <br /> updated to reflect any necessary stormwater pond areas prior to final plat approval. <br /> Placement and sizing will be determined by the MCWD Rules. <br /> 2 <br />