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���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> y�, G�� No. 6937 <br /> `�'�F5H0�� <br /> A RESOLUTION VACATING <br /> STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENTS <br /> WITHIN IVY PLACE PLAT <br /> HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> FILE NO. LA18-000101 <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Orono is a municipal corporation organized and existing <br /> under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and <br /> WHEREAS, Rusty Kocon, an individual, and Jackie Gibney, an individual, <br /> (hereinafter the "Owners") are owners of the property within the City of Orono, and legally <br /> described as follows: <br /> Lot 1, Block 1, Ivy Place, Hennepin County (hereinafter the "Property); and <br /> WHEREAS, the Property is subject to a Stormwater Management Facilities and <br /> Easement Agreement dedicated at the time of platting of the Ivy Place Plat; and <br /> WHEREAS,the portions of the existing easements to be vacated are described on <br /> Exhibit A and are depicted on Exhibit B; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City has accepted dedication of replacement Stormwater <br /> Management Facilities and Easement Agreement; and <br /> WHEREAS, after due published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota <br /> Statutes and the Orono, Minnesota, City Code, the Orono City Council held a public hearing on <br /> January 14, 2019 regarding said vacation and all interested persons were given an opportunity to <br /> be heard; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orono City Council finds the vacation as proposed is in keeping <br /> with the public interest and in consideration of the following findings: <br /> 1. The City Council finds that the existing easement area to be vacated will be redundant once <br /> a new easement is established. <br /> 2. The vacation and replacement does not affect access to or use of any adjoining property. <br /> The Owners' legal access to the Property will not be affected by the vacation of the <br /> easements and no adjacent or nearby properties will have their access limited by it. <br /> 3. No utilities will be affected by vacation of the Easement <br />