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���p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ti� G� No. 6 9 1 � <br /> ��KfSH��� <br /> 2) Dedication on the plat of the perimeter Drainage and Utility Easements as required in <br /> Resolution 6907. <br /> 3) Plans and Specifications. Development within PENCE LANE ADDITION is subject to the City <br /> approved plans and specifications: <br /> a) Final grading, stormwater, drainage and erosion control plan, dated 11/16/18. <br /> b) Final stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP), dated 11/16/18. <br /> 4) Access to Lot 1 will be via Walters Port Lane only. <br /> 5) Access to Lot 2 will be via the private driveway (Pence Lane) that connects to Kelly Avenue. <br /> This access is shared with 2715 Pence Lane. <br /> 6) Vehicular access to Pence Lane from Lot 1 is expressly prohibited. <br /> 7) The common Pence Lane driveway shared by Lot 2 and 2715 Pence Lane shall be maintained <br /> to provide an acceptable driving surface at all times. <br /> 8) A covenant to outline responsibility for all future maintenance activities related to the <br /> stormwater facilities shall be recorded. <br /> 9) A title opinion for the Property and certified copies of all recorded easements currently <br /> affecting the Property shall be submitted. <br /> 10)A Letter of Credit and escrow to ensure that all site improvements are installed and maintained <br /> to the City's specifications and satisfaction, shall be submitted. <br /> 11)Payment of Development Fees. Total due: $16,550.00 <br /> a. Final plat fee: $500.00. <br /> b. Park Dedication Fee: $5,550. <br /> c. Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee: $10,500.00. <br /> 12)Financial Guarantee. The Owners shall submit a final plat review escrow in the amount of <br /> $2,500.00 with the final plat application. <br /> Additionally, the Owners shall provide a financial guarantee to ensure the completion of <br /> site improvements. The City Engineer shall complete an estimate of improvement costs, <br /> including but not limited to storm sewers, landscaping, grading, erosion control, utilities, <br /> 2 <br />