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Re: variance request
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Re: variance request
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Mr. Marlc G. Stodola <br /> Mr. Gary DeSantis <br /> Page 2 <br /> Apri12, 2001 <br /> Based on Mr. Stevens inspection, information provided in the variance request, and in <br /> accordance with Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4725, your request for a variance is granted to <br /> construct the subject well 86 feet from a safeguarded 4000-gallon underground petroleum storage <br /> tank and 35 feet from the ordinary high-water level o�Lake Minnetonka <br /> The variance is granted because there is no accessible location for a well on the subject property <br /> which satisfies all isolation distance requirements. The proposed well location appears to <br /> provide the greatest available separation between the well and known contamination sources both <br /> on and adjacent to the subject property. The presence of clay confining layers, and the additional <br /> grouting requirements, should provide additional isolation between su�cial contaminants and <br /> the aquifer. <br /> Because the isolation distances between the proposed well and the underground petroleum <br /> storage tank and the lake are less than required in rule, additional construction methods and <br /> precautions are required in order to reduce the potential for contamination of the well and <br /> groundwater. The following list of additional conditions and requirements should provide the <br /> necessary additional protection for the well and groundwater. <br /> The variance is granted with the following conditions: <br /> 1. The casing of the subject well must extend to a minimum depth of at least 100 feet. <br /> 2. The annular space between the casing and the bore hole wall must be filled with neat-cement <br /> grout or high-solids bentonite grout from a minimum depth of 100 feet and extend to the <br /> ground surface or base of the pitless unit or adapter. Neat-cement grout must meet the <br /> standards defined in Minnesota Rules, part 4725.0100. High-solids bentonite grout must be <br /> NSF approved and marketed as a well sealant. High-solids bentonite grout must be mixed to <br /> the manufacturer's specifications, or must meet the minimum requirements of 15 percent by <br /> weight bentonite as specified in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4725, whichever is heavier. Grout <br /> must be inserted through the casing or through a tremie pipe. Any annular space below a <br /> depth of 100 feet in unconsolidated materials must be completely filled with cuttings taken <br /> from the borehole or with an approved grout. <br /> 3. The existing well, designated as Well Number 1,PWS 5270606, must be sealed in <br /> accordance with Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4725 within 30 days of completion of Minnesota <br /> Unique Well Number 655096. <br /> 4. You must contact Mr. Stevens at 651/643-2115, or Mr. Ron Thompson at 651/643-2108 at <br /> least 24 hours prior to beginning well construction, and at least 24 hours prior to beginning <br /> well sealing so that an inspector may be present during the well construction and sealing. <br />
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