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�In BOLTON 6907 <br /> / � 1 <br /> & MENK <br /> Real People. Real Solutions. Resol. No. <br /> Exhibit B <br /> LA18-000072 <br /> September 20, 2018 <br /> City of Orono <br /> Attn: Melanie Curtis <br /> 2750 Kelley Parkway <br /> Orono, MN 55356 <br /> RE: Preliminary Plat Application LA18-000072 <br /> 2709 Walters Port Lane <br /> Engineering Review#1 <br /> Dear Melanie: <br /> As requested, 1 have completed an engineering review of the documents s�ibmitted for the above <br /> referenced project. We offer the following observations, comments, and recommendations for your <br /> consideration: <br /> 1. The applicant will be required to obtain Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD) <br /> approval and permitting. A copy of any approvals or permits required should be submitted <br /> prior to Final Plat approval. <br /> 2. The applicant will be required to obtain a General Consiruction Permit(NPDES)to discharge <br /> stormwater associated with construction activity since more than 1 acre will be disturbed. A <br /> copy of the coverage letter sho��ld be submitted prior to any land disturbing activity. <br /> 3. Final Plans should include a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan meeting NPDES <br /> requirements. <br /> 4. Insufficient data has been provided to review grading and erosion control. Existing contours <br /> should indicate condition prior to any grading. Proposed spot elevations and contours should <br /> be provided to adequately define grading and drainage after completion of improvements. <br /> Perimeter erosion control measures should be indicated down gradient from all proposed work. <br /> Where disturbance is proposed within 50' of the wetland or Lake Minnetonka, redundant <br /> measures must be installed. Redundant measures must be installed a minimum 5' apart. <br /> 5. Perimeter erosion control measures should be installed by the Contractor and inspected by the <br /> City prior to any work. A minim�i�n 24 hour notice must be provided prior to inspection. <br /> 6. Drainage and Utility Easements should be provided as follows: <br /> a. Over all wetland buffers. <br /> b. All swales and piping providing drainage for multiple properties. <br /> c. 5' along all side lot lines. <br /> d. 10' along all front lot lines. <br /> 7. Proposed improvements will significantly increase the amount of runoff directed toward the <br /> structure at 2707 Walters Port Lane. Inlets, pipes, and swales should be provided as necessary <br /> to restrict runoff directed toward the structure to that of existing conditions. <br /> 8. The common driveway shared by 2715 Pence Lane should be maintained as necessary to <br /> provide an acceptable driving surface at all times. Currently, the portion of the driveway <br /> between the culvert and the connection to 2715 Pence Lane is unacceptable. Class 5 aggregate <br /> should be placed as necessary to provide an adequate driving surface. The aggregate should be <br /> H:AORNOVC131154II6\�-LA18-000072_2709 Wal[ers PorCLanc\2709WaI[ersPortlane_PrePlatRevicw-1 201fl-09-20.docx <br /> Bp1Ypn&Menk is an eq�al cpportunity employe�. <br />