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��Np CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� G� No. 6 9 0 6 <br /> `•{KES}i 0�`'�. <br /> 2) Compliant with the zoning code, including any conditions imposed on specific uses as <br /> required by article V, division 3 of the City Code; The proposed grading is residential in <br /> nature which is consistent with the permitted uses for the Property. <br /> 3) Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management; This statement <br /> is true. The haul routes will be via County Roads. <br /> 4) Provided with an adequate water supply and sewage disposal system. This proposed <br /> use will not impact nor need water or sewage disposal. statement is true. <br /> 5) Not expected to generate excessive demand for public services at public cost; This <br /> statement is true. <br /> 6) Compatible with the surrounding area as the area is used both presently and as it is <br /> planned to be used in the future; This criteria relates to whetherthe proposed grades <br /> resulting from the earth movement are appropriate and in character with the surrounding land <br /> and neighborhood. The grading of the Property will be in conformance with the neighborhood. <br /> Once completed, the grading will have no impact on surrounding lands. <br /> 7) Consistent with the character of the surrounding area, unless a change of character <br /> is called for in the community management plan; The proposed grades will help to <br /> facilitate stormwater runoff down property lines, and not toward adjacent properties as is the <br /> current condition. <br /> 8) Compatible with the character of buildings and site improvements in the surrounding <br /> area, unless a change of character is called for in the community management plan; <br /> The Applicant is proposing to elevate the land to accommodate a walk out which is not out of <br /> character for the neighborhood. Adjacent properties will not be impacted. <br /> 9) Not expected to substantially impair the use and enjoyment of the property in the area <br /> or have a materially adverse impact on the property values in the area when <br /> compared to the impairment or impact of generally permitted uses; The grading activity <br /> will not change the intended residential use of the Property so there is no change in the use <br /> and enjoyment of adjacent properties resulting from the export of fill materials. Further, grading <br /> activity will occur over a relatively short period, To the degree possible, negafive impacts <br /> during construction should be limifed and mitigated. <br /> 10)Provided with screening and buffering adequate to mitigate undesirable views and <br /> activities likely to disturb surrounding uses; The finished grade will be vegetated and <br /> landscaped. <br /> 3 <br />